WAVES is a web application for on-demand holistic health practices.
For many, wellness services are unaffordable, inaccessible, and require advanced planning. WAVES’s mission is to expand access to free holistic wellness services and connect people directly to at-home and in-person wellness practices. WAVES is designed to embed wellbeing into your daily routine, customized to your goals. Users have on-demand access to a variety of brainwave targeted sound frequencies, the ability to book sound therapy sessions in advance, and personalized charts to track their progress over time.
- Backend: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, JS
- Frontend: JS, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Jinja2
- APIs: SoundCloud, GoogleCalendar, YelpFusion, IP Address & Geolocation, Chart.js, AnyCharts
Now that we are successfully logged in, we are brought to the dashboard which
provides the following set of options for engaging with WAVES and a randomized
inspirational quote generator.
Users can choose from 5 types of sound frequencies,
according to their personal goals.
Users pick a date and length of session, choose the type of wave they
want to focus on, then click ‘Book Session’ and WAVES will send an invitation to their
email address and calendar.
Gives users the ability to search for sound therapy and
other holistic services in their area.
Renders a bar chart created with Chart.JS that allows users to see which
frequencies they have listened to and how many times. An AJAX fetch request queries the Postgres
database to return the user records over time.
Includes additional information about this project and its reach. Users can see where
other people around the world are using WAVES.
Clone or fork repo:
Create and activate a vritual environment inside project directory:
virtualenv env source env/bin/activate
Install project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up database:
python3 seed_database.py
make run
or python3 server.py
Open 'localhost:5000/' to access the WAVES web application
Hi, I'm Isis. WAVES is my first full-stack web application. It took me 5 weeks to complete as part of a 17-week software engineering program with Hackbright Academy in San Francisco, California.