
Primary LanguageC#

Cards API Documentation


The Cards API allows users to create and manage tasks in the form of cards. This documentation covers the setup, configuration, and usage of the Cards API.


  • .NET Core 8.0 SDK
  • MSSQL Server/In Memory Database
  • Docker (for containerization)


  1. Clone the repository: git clone [repository_url]
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd CardsAPI
  3. Restore dependencies: dotnet restore
  4. Apply database migrations: dotnet ef database update


  1. AppSettings: Update the appsettings.json file with the necessary configurations including database connection string, JWT settings, and any other required settings.

  2. JWT Settings:

"JwtOptions": {
  "Key": "your_jwt_key_here",
  "Issuer": "your_issuer_here"

Build and Run

  1. Build the project: dotnet build
  2. Run the project: dotnet run --project Cards.Api
  3. Using Docker:
  • Build the Docker image: docker build -t cards-api .
  • Run the Docker container: docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 --name cards_api cardsapi
  • Usage

  1. Seed Users: Send a POST request to /auth/seed-users with the user's email, password, and role.
  2. Login: Send a POST request to /auth/login with the user's email and password to receive a JWT token. Below is the default users:

Admin: Email: admin@cards.com Password: StrongAdminPassword123

Member 1: Email: john.doe@cards.com Password: StrongMemberOnePassword123

Member 2: Email: jane.doe@cards.com Password: StrongMemberTwoPassword123

  1. Create a Card: Send a POST request to /cards with the JWT token in the Authorization header and card details in the body.

  2. Search Cards: Send a GET request to /cards with search parameters and the JWT token in the Authorization header.

  3. Update a Card: Send a PUT request to /cards/{id} with the JWT token and updated card details in the body.

  4. Delete a Card: Send a DELETE request to /cards/{id} with the JWT token.

API Endpoints

  • POST /auth/seed: Seeds default users.
  • POST /auth/login: Authenticate a user and return a token.
  • POST /cards: Create a new card.
  • GET /cards: Retrieve accessible cards with optional search parameters.
  • PUT /cards/{id}: Update a card's details.
  • DELETE /cards/{id}: Delete a card.


The Cards API uses role-based authorization. There are two roles: Member and Admin.

  • Members can only access cards they created.
  • Admins have access to all cards.

JWT tokens are used to manage sessions and authorization. Ensure the token is included in the Authorization header as a Bearer token for authenticated requests.


  • Test coverage is not comprehensive.