
Primary LanguagePython


MCW-Net: Single Image Deraining with Multi-level Connections and Wide Regional Non-local Blocks



A recent line of convolutional neural network-based works has succeeded in capturing rain streaks. However, difficulties in detailed recovery still remain. In this paper, we present a multi-level connection and wide regional non-local block network (MCW-Net) to properly restore the original background textures in rainy images. Unlike existing encoder-decoder-based image deraining models that improve performance with additional branches, MCW-Net improves performance by maximizing information utilization without additional branches through the following two proposed methods. The first method is a multi-level connection that repeatedly connects multi-level features of the encoder network to the decoder network. Multi-level connection encourages the decoding process to use the feature information of all levels. In multi-level connection, channel-wise attention is considered to learn which level of features is important in the decoding process of the current level. The second method is a wide regional non-local block. As rain streaks primarily exhibit a vertical distribution, we divide the grid of the image into horizontally-wide patches and apply a non-local operation to each region to explore the rich rain-free background information. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world rainy datasets demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art models. Furthermore, the results of the joint deraining and segmentation experiment prove that our model contributes effectively to other vision tasks.



Dataset Preparation

Please download the datasets Rain200H, Rain200L : https://www.icst.pku.edu.cn/struct/Projects/joint_rain_removal.html

Rain800 : https://github.com/hezhangsprinter/ID-CGAN

Rain120 : https://github.com/hezhangsprinter/DID-MDN

SPA-DATA : https://stevewongv.github.io/

RainCityScape : https://www.cityscapes-dataset.com/

RainDrop : https://github.com/rui1996/DeRaindrop

After downloading datasets, please change the dataset directories in the config file.



In train.sh file, the code is like python train.py MCW_Net_large config_large

If you would like to train the small model, please change to python train.py MCW_Net_small config_small

If you would like to change the dataset, please change this part in config_small.py or config_large.py file

train_dataset = "rain100h"
test_dataset  = "rain100h"

And please run: sh train.sh


Please run test.sh If you would like to change the test dataset, please change this part in config_test.py

eval_dataset = "rain100h"