
.Net Core Hello World sample

Primary LanguageC#

.Net Core Hello World

This project is a sample .Net Core app. It highlights the following...

  • c# example
  • manifest file to deploy to pcf
  • concourse ci/cd pipeline.

Local build

To build locally, run the following steps.

$ dotnet restore

$ dotnet build

$ dotnet run


Meet PCF Dev, a simplified, and minimized version of the Pivotal Cloud Foundry intended for your local machine. And Getting started is simple.

Deploy to cloud

  • Target the cloud instance

       $ cf login -a api.local.pcfdev.io --skip-ssl-validation
       API endpoint:  api.local.pcfdev.io   
       Email>     admin
       Password>  admin
  • Build and deploy to cloud

       $ cd dotnet-core-helloWorld
       $ dotnet restore
       $ dotnet build
       $ cf push -f manifest.yml
  • Test the cloud service

       $ curl -v 'http://dotnet-core-helloWorld.local.pcfdev.io'
  • Concours CI/CD Pipleine

The CI/CD pipeline will build the and push the app to local pcf-dev instance. Setup the concourse pipeline as follows

   $ fly -t local set-pipeline -p dotnet-core-helloWorld -c ci/pipeline.yml -l ci/credentials-local.yml
   $ fly -t local unpause-pipeline -p dotnet-core-helloWorld

Please post your comments for me, or if you have any questions.