
CoreFoundation wrapper in .NET. Requires CFLite or CoreFoundation in place

Primary LanguageC#

This library is useful for those who are intending to use CFLite or CoreFoundation into their .NET projects. It has vital corefoundation DllImport declarations and some additional functions wrapped around the DllImports.

Remember to add this library as a reference to your project
Remember to also add location of the corefoundation dll to the Environmental PATH variable either programatically or manually

Usage example (C#)
    using CoreFoundation; 
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

	   //Able to implicitly specify string value only for certain types		
            CFString cfstring = "hello"; 			
	   //Reading plist files regardless of binary or xml format
	   CFPropertyList plist = new CFPropertyList(PATH);
	   //Casting to CFPropertyList Objects(eg CFArray, CFDictionary...) and reading attributes
	   CFDictionary dict = (CFDictionary)plist;
	   CFType val = dict.GetValue(KEY_NAME);
	   Console.WriteLine("Value of " + KEY_NAME + " is " + val.ToString());
	   Console.WriteLine("This dictionary has " + dict.Length.ToString() + " key-value pairs");		