Uses the hidden IVirtualDesktopManagerInternal
interface to switch desktops directly.
DesktopSwitcher.exe <n>
, where n is the id of the desktop you want to switch to (zero-indexed).
Here is an example AutoHotkey script which binds Alt+1 through Alt+9 to switch directly to that desktop number:
!1::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 0, , hide
!2::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 1, , hide
!3::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 2, , hide
!4::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 3, , hide
!5::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 4, , hide
!6::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 5, , hide
!7::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 6, , hide
!8::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 7, , hide
!9::Run, DesktopSwitcher.exe 8, , hide
Just grab the latest release here.
Make sure you've created the desktop you're trying to switch to in the Win+Tab
screen first.
If DesktopSwitcher.exe is still not working, open an issue and tell me to update the GUIDs.