
A small JavaScript library based on state machines (but not entirely) for isolating and managing its own UI-state (transient / non-persisted) layer while controlling a Domain-state (non-transient / persisted) layer like Redux, Radixx

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A small JavaScript library based on state machines (but not entirely) for isolating and managing its own UI-state (transient / non-persisted) layer while controlling a Domain-state (non-transient / persisted) layer like Redux, Radixx.


This work was inspired by earlier works by David K. Piano on xstate and Krasimir Tsonev on stent. Drawing from their work and thinking deeply about the problem, it was now clear that there needed to be a paradigm shift in the way we approached state management. Xstate for me is neat and helpful but is also too verbose and seeks to replace Redux. I have all these lingua and terminilogy like (Sequence, History, Orthogonal, Events, States, Effects, Guard) that i have to learn to make sense of it all. Stent on the other hand is less verbose but however also seeks to replace Redux completely adds composability problems (how do you compose one or more state machines together ?) to its setup process.

Now, Kahtox still makes use of finite state machine graphs and transitions too but doesn't try to replace libraires like Redux or Radixx but seeks to work along side these libraires. The reason for this is that UI state is NEVER meant to be stored in any state container because it is TRANSIENT and is totally irreleveant after a record of its occurence. UI state doesn't also need to be tracked for changes. Only Domain state needs to be stored in a state container and tracked for changes over time.

By seperating both state types into their respective layers and having one (UI state) control the other (Domain state), it becomes easier to manage outcomes and enforce guards for user interface interactions.


The need to separate today's monolith state management layer architecure into a more managable set of layers (2 of them actually)

  1. UI State Layer (Transient / Non-Persisted)
  2. Domain State Layer (Non-Transient / Persisted)

This need is long ovedue. state management libraries like Redux were under too much pressure to manage both UI State (which actually doesn't need to be persisted) and Domain state (which is actually meant to be put into a state container and persisted across web sessions)

However, this hasn't happened because everything is still built around verbosity and replacement. The idea is not to seek to replace Redux (even though redux could be better redesigned) but to reduce the amount of "useless work" that libraries like Redux are doing - which is tracking UI State in the store state container.


Reusability of State Graphs & Sub State Graphs

When state graphs are created, it should be created with reusability in mind. For instance, a state graph can be reduced into 2 or more sub state graphs.

State Graphs Should NEVER Depict Side-Effects Or Its Causality

Whenever your application goes into an error-state (Form Validation Errors, HTTP Errors), state graphs should NEVER ever deal with these situation. It should also never depict it as a state.

Isolating Domain State Containers From Unecessary View Layer (UI) Update Info Storage

UI state is never meant to be tracked or persisted in a state container. UI state is only useful immediately before it causes a view re-render or view layer update. After that, it is no longer useful.

UI State Changes Should Trigger View Layer (UI) Updates / Re-renders

UI state changes (driven by state graphs) will mostly trigger view updates except when the state is going back to the $initial state. In other words, state graphs MUST always be unidirectional (directed) circular graphs which circle back to the $initial state.


In time past, when building web apps, we made use of Redux or Radixx as both a UI State Layer library and a Domain State Layer library. This unfortunately created a lot of jank with the redux state tree and made it difficult to use the UI State the way it ought to be used. However, these days, we separate the 2 State Layers making way for Redux or Radixx to only be used for the Domain State Layer and Kahtox to be used for the UI State Layer. See below:


Even the Redux Docs had this to say about how to organize state. I believe it is crucial to separate your UI State from your Domain State as it is not useful in anyway to bring both state into Redux. Another point to this is how separating the UI State and Domain State makes it easy for you to co-locate your UI State into the component where it is needed the most and have better access to the Domain State.

Here is what Kent .C. Dodds had to say on the issue of co-location of state:

Where I see this principle apply in real-world applications is when people put things into a global Redux store or in a global context that don't really need to be global.

State Graphs (Diagrams)

State graphs are just like state machines when depicted visually with diagrams but have a few differences.

Getting Started

filename: Button.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Button extends Component {
		const type = this.props.type || 'button';
		const text = this.props.text;
		const disabled = this.props.disabled;
		const onButtonClick = this.props.onButtonClick || () => true;
		return (
			disabled === true 
			? <button type={type} disabled="disabled" onClick={onButtonClick}>{text}</button>
			: <button type={type} onClick={onButtonClick}>{text}</button>

export default Button;

filename: Input.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Input extends Component {
		const type = this.props.type || 'text';
		const value = this.props.value || '';
		const status = this.props.status || 'pristine';
		const pattern = this.props.pattern || '[^\\S\\f\\t\\b\\n\\r]+';
		const name = this.props.name;
		const onInputChange = this.props.onInputChange || (e) => true;
		const onInputKeyDown = this.props.onInputKeyDown || (e) => true;
		return (
			(type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio' || type === 'hidden')
			? <input type={type} data-status={status} name={name} value={value} onChange={onInputChange} />
			: <input type={type} data-status={status} data-pattern={pattern} name={name} value={value} onChange={onInputChange} onKeyDown={onInputKeyDown} />

export default Input;

filename: FormBox.js

import React, { Component, Children, cloneElement } from 'react';
import kahtox from 'kahtox';

const validateFormGuard = function ({ payload }){
	return payload.reduce(
		(val, acc) => (
			val.text.length !== 0 && val.status === 'pristine' && acc

let stateGraph = {
	$initial: 'empty',
	states: {
		'empty': {
			'input-keys': {
				nextState: 'filling',
				action: null
				/* notifyView: false */
		'filling': {
			'input-keys': {
				nextState: 'filling',
				action: null
			'input-change': {
				nextState: 'filling',
				action: null
			'mouse-over-button': {
				nextState: 'filled',
				action: null,
				guard: validateFormGuard
			'tab-into-button': {
				nextState: 'filled',
				action: null,
				guard: validateFormGuard
		'filled': {
			'button-click': {
				nextState: 'empty',
				action: null

const getUTF8StringSize = (str) => {
	let sizeInBytes = str.split('')
	    .map(function( ch ) {
	      return ch.charCodeAt(0);
	    }).map(function( uchar ) {
	      // The reason for this is explained later in
	      // the section “An Aside on Text Encodings”
	      return uchar < 128 ? 1 : 2;
	    }).reduce(function( curr, next ) {
	      return curr + next;
	    }, 0);   
  	return sizeInBytes;

const debounce = (func, wait, immediate) => {
	let timeout;
	return function() {
		let context = this;
		let args = arguments;
		this later = function() {
			timeout = null;
			if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
		let callNow = immediate && !timeout;
		timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
		if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);

class FormBox extends Component {
	this.grapher = kahtox.makeGrapher(stateGraph)
	let controls = {};
	this.props.children.forEach(function looper(child){
		controls[child.name] = { text: child.value, status: child.status }; // status:'pristine'
	this.state = {
		mode: this.grapher.initial,
		parentMode: this.props.mode,
		controls: controls,
		elements: this.props.children
	this.grapher.afterTransition((mode, data, isError) => {
		let updatePatch = { mode };
		if(data !== null 
			&& !isError){
			updatePatch.controls = data;
			prevState => Object.assign(prevState, updatePatch)
   	let data = this.state.controls;
	let regexp = null;

	data[e.target.name].text = e.target.value;
	data[e.target.name].status =  'dirty';

	if(e.target.type === 'checkbox'){
		data[e.target.name].status = 'pristine';

	if(e.target.type === 'text'){
		regexp = new RegExp(e.target.getAttribute('data-pattern'));

			data[e.target.name].status = 'error';

	this.grapher.dispatch('input-keys', data);
   	let data = this.state.controls;
	data[e.target.name].text = e.target.value;
	data[e.target.name].status = e.target.getAttribute('data-status');
	this.grapher.dispatch('input-change', data);
   	const mode = this.state.mode;
	const parentMode = this.props.mode;
	const handleSubmit = this.props.handleSubmit;
	const children = this.state.children;
	let addListeners = false;
	let childInputProps = {
	let childButtonProps = {
	if(parentMode == 'idle')
		addListeners = true;
		childInputProps = {
			onInputChange: this.onInputChange.bind(this),
		      	onInputKeyDown: this.onInputKeys.bind(this)
		childButtonProps = {
			onButtonClick: (e) => {
				let controls = this.state.controls;
				delete controls[e.target.name];
	return (
	<div className="formWrapper">
	{/* https://mxstbr.blog/2017/02/react-children-deepdive/ */}
	{(parentMode === 'before-send') && <h3>Please Wait....</h3>}
	{(parentMode === 'sending') && <h3>Sending To Server...</h3>}
	{(mode === 'empty') && <form name={name} method={this.props.method.toLowerCase()}>
		Children.map(children, (child, i) => {
			if(child.type === 'text' || child.type === 'checkbox') {
				childInputProps.name = child.name;
				childInputProps.type = child.type;
				childInputProps.value = child.value;
				return cloneElement(child, childInputProps);
			}else if(child.type === 'button' && (Children.count(children) === i + 1)){
				childInputProps.text = child.text;
				childInputProps.type = child.type;
				return cloneElement(child, childButtonProps);
	{(mode === 'filling' || mode === 'filled') && <form name={name} method={this.props.method.toLowerCase()}>
		Children.map(children, (child, i) => {
			childInputProps.value = this.formInputs[child.name].text;
			childInputProps.status = this.formInputs[child.name].status;
			if(child.type === 'text' || child.type === 'checkbox') {
				childInputProps.name = child.name;
				childInputProps.type = child.type;
				childInputProps.value = child.value;
				return cloneElement(child, childInputProps);
			}else if(child.type === 'button' && (Children.count(children) === i + 1)){
				childInputProps.text = child.text;
				childInputProps.type = child.type;
				return cloneElement(child, childButtonProps);
		}) </form>}
		</div> );

export default FormBox;

filename: TodoList.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import kahtox from 'kahtox';

class TodoList extends Component {
		const todos = this.props.todos;
		const parentMode = this.props.mode;
		return (
			<div className="todoWrapper">
				{(parentMode === 'before-fetch') && <h3>Please Wait...</h3> }
				{(parentMode === 'fetching') && <h3>Fetching From Server...</h3> }
				{(parentMode === 'idle' && todos.length !== 0) && todos.map(function(todo){
					return (<li><h3>{todo.title}</h3><p><input type="checkbox" checked={todo.completed} /><span>{todo.desc}</span></p></li>);
				{(parentMode === 'idle' && todos.length === 0) && <li><span>You have no Todos!</span></li>}

export default TodoList

filename: TodoApp.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import kahtox from 'kahtox';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';

import Button from './Button.js';
import Input from './Input.js';
import FormBox from './Formbox.js';
import TodoList from './TodoList.js';

function makeHttpRequestAndUpdate( payload, grapher, meta ) {
  // Invert control!
  // Return a function that accepts `dispatch` so we can dispatch later.
  // Thunk middleware knows how to turn thunk async actions into actions.
  return function() {
    let url = payload.url;
    delete payload.url;
    return fetch(url, payload).then(
      data => {
      	grapher.dispatch('http-req-success', { todos: data });
      error => {
	grapher.dispatch('http-req-failure', error);

let stateGraph = {
   $initial: 'idle',
	   'idle': {
			nextState: 'before-send',
			action: '#thunk'
		fetch:{ // HTTP GET, HEAD
			nextState: 'before-fetch',
			action: '#thunk'

	   'before-fetch': {
		'http-req': { 
			action: null

	   'before-send': {
		'http-req': {
			action: null

			nextState: 'idle',
			action: 'LOAD_TODOS'
			nextState: 'idle',

	   'sending': {
			nextState: 'idle',
			nextState: 'idle',
			notifyView: true

let store = createStore(function todos(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'LOAD_TODO':
      return state.concat(action.todos);
    case 'ADD_TODO':
      return state.concat([action.todo])
      return state
}, applyMiddleware(thunk));

class TodoApp extends Component {
	this.grapher = kahtox.makeGrapher(stateGraph, (action, { payload, grapher, meta }) => { 
		   case '#thunk':
			return store.dispatch(makeHttpRequestAndUpdate(payload, grapher, meta))
		   case 'LOAD_TODOS':
		       return store.dispatch({ type:action, todos: payload }) 
		   case 'ADD_TODO':
		       return store.dispatch({ type:action, todo: payload }) 
	this.state = {
 		mode: this.grapher.initial,
		parentMode: null,
		todos: store.getState()
	let select = (state) => state.todos;
	store.subscribe(() => this.setState(prevState => Object.assign(prevState, { todos: select(store.getState()) })))
	this.grapher.afterTransition((mode, data, isError) => {
		this.setState(prevState => Object.assign(prevState, { mode }))

	this.grapher.dispatch('fetch', { 
		url: 'https://localhost:4005/todos',  
		credentials: 'same-origin', 
		method: 'GET', 
		body: { perPage: 5, page:0 } 
   	this.grapher.dispatch('send', { 
		url: 'https://localhost:4005/todos', 
		credentials: 'same-origin', 
		method: 'POST', 

	const mode = this.state.mode;
	const todos = this.state.todos;

	return (
		{(mode === 'idle') && <FormBox name="todos" method="POST" mode={mode} handleSubmit={this.submitDataToServer.bind(this)}>
		   <Input readonly=false name="todoTitle" value="" type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+" />
		   <Input readonly=false name="todoDesc" value="" type="text"  pattern="[a-zA-Z ]+" />
		   <Input readonly=false type="checkbox" name="todoComplete" value="" />
		   <Button type="button" disabled={false} text="ADD" />
		</FormBox> <hr /> <TodoList todos={todos} mode={mode} /> }
		{(mode === 'before-send' || mode === 'before-fetch') && <FormBox name="todos" method="POST" mode={mode} handleSubmit={this.submitDataToServer.bind(this)}>
		   <Input readonly=false name="todoTitle" type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+" />
		   <Input readonly=false name="todoDesc" type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z ]+" />
		   <Input readonly=false type="checkbox" name="todoComplete" />
		   <Button type="button" disabled={true} text="ADD" /> {/* Disable the button so submit event can't be triggere again */}
		</FormBox> <hr /> <TodoList todos={todos} mode={mode} /> }
		{(mode === 'sending' || mode === 'fetching') && <FormBox name="todos" method="POST" mode={mode}>
		   <Input readonly=true name="todoTitle" type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9]+" /> 
		   <Input readonly=true name="todoDesc" type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z ]+" />
		   <Input readonly=true type="checkbox" name="todoComplete" /> 
		   <Button type="button" disabled={true} text="ADD" /> {/* Disable the entire form */}
		</FormBox> <hr /> <TodoList todos={todos} mode={mode} /> }

ReactDOM.render(<TodoApp />, document.body);


