
A collection of shell scripts for automated installation of GitLab.

Primary LanguageShell

GitLab Automated Installation

This repository holds scripts that will perform automated installation of GitLab on your server.

Supported Systems

These are currently the tested and supported systems.

  • Ubuntu Server 12.04 64-Bit
  • Ubuntu Server 13.04 64-Bit
  • Debian 7.1 64-Bit


For Ubuntu Server 12.04 or 13.04 64-Bit, issue the following command, ensuring that you update the DOMAIN_VAR variable with your respective domain name:

curl https://raw.github.com/caseyscarborough/gitlab-install/master/ubuntu-server-12.04.sh | sudo DOMAIN_VAR=gitlab.example.com bash

Note: Although this script is titled ubuntu-server-12.04.sh, it does in fact work on both 12.04 and 13.04.

For Debian 7.1 64-Bit, issue the following command as the root user, ensuring that you update the DOMAIN_VAR variable with your respective domain name. You'll also more than likely need to install curl with apt-get install -y curl.

curl https://raw.github.com/caseyscarborough/gitlab-install/master/debian-7.1.sh | DOMAIN_VAR=gitlab.example.com bash

After the script runs, your installation of GitLab should be fully completed and ready to go. You can then navigate to the application using your server's domain name.


If you run into problems, the first thing to check is to make sure that each file got it's proper configuration added. Everything listed below should happen automatedly, but there is always a chance for error. The following are the files to check and what should be set:


This file should have the gitlab_url set to the URL of your GitLab instance (with a trailing slash).

  gitlab_url: "http://gitlab.example.com/"


This file should have the hostname set under the web server settings.

  ## Web server settings
  host: gitlab.example.com
  port: 80


This file should have the gitlab user and password for the database configuration.

  username: gitlab
  password: kenvo2i3j0239urlks


This file should have the server name in the virtual host set to your domain.

server {
  listen *:80;
  server_name gitlab.example.com;
  server_token off;
  root /home/git/gitlab/public;