
The frontend initializes with fetching the following Objects with a limit of 1000.

    1. Companies
    1. PrintPackages
    1. HousingTypes

Cube limits

  • Contracts, bookings, and departure lists have a limit of 1000 cubes max
  • Production, Montage etc also have a limit of 1000 cubes


Restoring gzip backup and syncing for development

mongo rheinkultur-wawi --eval "db.dropDatabase()" mongorestore --host localhost:27017 --gzip --db rheinkultur-wawi --archive=db-backups/mongodump_latest.gz

then go to development.js and uncomment sync

// scout app example: TLK-33324A10 TLK-33324A70

// contracts to check V21-0050 =>

Test docker build: docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile . -t mammuthosting/rheinkultur-wawi:latest

Example with photos with same id 96221A600 96221R600 96221V1021 dummy


docker compose up -d

  • this will create the db-backups folder with root permissions ./
  • this will give the ownership of the db-backups to your user so aws cli can write to it docker compose logs parse -f --no-log-prefix
  • connect to parse containers logs

docker compose exec parse bash -c 'yarn install' docker compose exec parse bash -c 'yarn lint --fix' docker compose run parse bash => to run commands inside the container


./ngrok http 1337

Ich kann das blau von Himmel nicht versprechen, aber ich kann dir das grün von Wiese geben. Leben ist kein Ponyhof. Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.

Klappe zu, Affe tot. => And thats the end of the story

/** NOTE on controls: we should not plan a Kinetic Q2 control before the start quarter or gestartet vor ends (etc Q2-2024 controls are looking at 6 months ago, so they should be planned accordingly) When testing, go to one month before the start of the quarter, sync cube statuses, then generate lists and mark planned. **/