
Docker image for general purpose webdev


Docker image for general purpose webdev

This image is experimental and only aimed for local development, primarly with Laravel.

Basic Usage

  • Install Docker (Windows version instead of Toolbox if possible).
  • With Docker for Windows, install may not work if not running as Administrator. Same goes for command-line...
  • Put the docker folder and docker-compose.yml where webroot should be. The file .dockerignore is not necessary if not deploying an image.
  • Open a command-line
  • Run docker-compose up
  • Http server will be available at localhost:8080 and MySQL database at localhost:3306.



  • docker-compose exec app php artisan make:controller HomeController
  • docker-compose exec app php artisan optimize


  • docker-compose exec app run composer install


  • docker-compose exec app run npm install
  • docker-compose exec app run npm run dev


  • The image does not use environment or arguments.
  • You can change ports and database credentials in the docker-compose.yml file.
  • If you want to add specific PHP packages or utils, edit the /docker/app.dockerfile
  • If you want customize nginx web server, edit the /docker/web.dockerfile and /docker/vhost.conf