
Golang Interface for metrics tracking supporting StatsD, Sentry and NewRelic

Primary LanguageGo

Golang Metrics Collector

This Library Exposes APIs to publish metrics for the following monitoring platforms:

  • New Relic
  • Sentry
  • StatsD

For each platform, the usage can be controlled via a feature toggle.

Sample Usage


Initialize the StatsDConfig struct and call the function InitiateStatsDMetrics to initialize the client. To use the statsDClient call the function StatsDClient.


Initialize the SentryConfig struct and call the function InitSentry to initialize the client. To capture events use the following functions -

  • CaptureError
  • CaptureWarn
  • CaptureErrorWithTags

New Relic

Initialize the newrelic.Config struct and call the function InitNewrelic to initialize the client. To capture events use the following functions -

  • StartPostgresDataSegmentNow
  • StartMongoDBDataSegmentNow
  • StartRedisSegmentNow
  • StartSegmentNow
  • StartKafkaPushSegment
  • StartRabbitmqPushSegment
  • StartExternalSegmentNow

To create new contextual event tracing use following functions-

  • NewHttpContext
  • NewContextWithTransaction
  • GetTx