
This repo is in progress. It is dedicated to an implementation of Listening to Chaotic Whispers. We are writing a serie of blogpost to explain each step of our workflow. You may find the first the first post on Medium :

Description of each file :

  • SP500_nasdaq100.csv : Csv file containing all companies in S&P 500 and Nasdaq
  • extract_reuters : Parallelized scraping of article from
  • extract_wsj : Attempt of scraping Wall Street Journal
  • data_process : some data processing on articles collected
  • doc2vec : Doc2Vec vectorization of press articles
  • word2vec : Word2Vec vectorization of press articles, but we preferred to continue with Doc2vec
  • list_firm : List of all firms we choosed for this implementation
  • create_dataset : A script to create our 4 dimensions dataset for each company
  • picklizer : A script to make pickle file of all press articles for each firm
  • action : A class that implements methods and object to simulate a portfolio
  • han : Implementation of the Hybrid Attention Network
  • han_training : Implementation and training of HAN
  • pickle : a folder with all pickle files for stock price of companies
  • pickle_article : a folder with all pickle files for articles on each company
  • daterange : to link the ID of day to the actual day (year/month/day).

Folders :

  • sample_of_scrap : sample of the articles we scraped
  • stock_value : Contains stock values and stock moves of the companies.
  • pickle : Contains dictionaries of all stock moves in pickles files. Used to create y_train and y_test
  • pickle_article : Contains dictionnaries { str day : str [ list of all articles ID for this company on this day] } in pickle file.
  • firm_csv_folder_old : Contains csv with IDs of all articles for each company.

Steps to follow to run the project :

  1. Run it will organize articles in folder like this : your_chosen_folder <=== day_folder <== journal_dir <== article_title.txt

  2. Use functions in to process the data. In this order :

    • rename_dir : will rename all directories. The directory for the first day( 1st January 201X) will be "0001"
    • rename_file : will give an ID to every file. The 15th article of the first day will be "0001_15.txt"
    • create_csv_firm will create a csv for each company in which one can find every day and ID of articles in which the company is cited
  3. Run This creates a dictionnary for each company and saves it as a pickle file. { str day : str [ list of all articles ID for this company on this day] }

  4. Run to train the doc2vec model and vectorize all the press articles. The output file is heavy.. For years 2015 to 2017 our doc2vec file was 2 Go of size

Now, focus on the stock prices and stock moves. We took most of our stock values from here : You can also find many here :

  1. Run to transform all csv of stock values in a pickle file containing a dictionary : { str day : float stock_value }

  2. Run to create a csv of stock moves from day t to day t+1.

  3. Run to create a dic of stock moves from day t to day t+1 stored in a pickle. { str day : int stock_move }

  4. Run to create the 4 dimension datase. tRefer to the comments in the code for more details.

  5. Train the model with

  6. Test the model with