
The project is an official implement of our CVPR2019 paper "Recurrent Back-Projection Network for Video Super-Resolution"

Primary LanguageC++


cd pyflow/
python setup.py build_ext -i
cp pyflow*.so ..
cd ..


python main.py --HR_dir="PATH/TO/HR" --LR_dir="PATH/TO/LR" --file_list='NTIRE21/train.txt'
  • You can modify the gpus_list=[0,1] in the code to adapt to your device


python test.py --LR_dir="PATH/TO/LR" --file_list='NTIRE21/test.txt'
  • You can modify the gpus_list=[0,1] in the test.py to adapt to your device.

  • You can modify the '--model' parameter in the test.py to load different trained model.