# Client Application

This program is intended to create and track new client applications from our website.

The "client" can visit the website and begin a new application. The initial application form is used to gather some information about clients that have requested work from your company.
Once the client submits the initial form, it enters a state machine to monitor its progress - the typical workflow is as follows:

1. Application is filled out by client.
2. once submitted, the admin may request information from the client
3. once requested, the client may then respond to the requested information
4. once responded, the admin may either mark the applications as complete OR request additional information (which returns the application to the submitted state)

During each step, an email is sent to the appropriate party, notifying them that action is required on their part.
Additionally, a user account is setup in the app once the initial application is submitted, so the user can sign in to complete their application.
Upon being marked as complete, the app makes an API call to Xrono (project management app) to create a client with contact information.

Testing is done using Cucumber and Rspec.

To Setup:

clone git repository
cd client_app (agree to create/use a new rvm gemset if using rvm)
gem install bundler
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails s

To run Tests:
rake db:test:prepare


TODO Before Deploy:
change email addresses in mailer
change api location for xrono

HAHA, Business!