
Python Script to backup the vaultwarden installation

Primary LanguagePython

Vaultwarden backup

I needed to make a backup of my vaultwarden installation, and I hate Shellscripts. So I wrote a Python script, using only stdlib functions to perform the job.

root@server:/export/vaultwarden# tree -d
├── backups
├── bin
└── vaultwarden
    ├── attachments
    ├── icon_cache
    ├── sends
    └── tmp

7 directories

The script will backup all files from /export/vaultwarden/vaultwarden to a staging directory below /export/vaultwarden/backups. The staging directory will then be collected into a .tar.bz2 archive, which is left in /export/vaultwarden/backups, and the stage is removed.

A Python class Backup accepts the datadir and backupdir parameters. datadir is in my case /export/vaultwarden/vaultwarden, and backupdir is /export/vaultwarden/backups. A parameter debug can be set to True for some output, it is False by default.