Zombie mod project for Exile project started by admins of relentlessservers.com
This ALPHA build of EXILE-Z by captainjack this build will add Zombies to the original server files of EXILE v0.9.19SP2 This repack was made possible thanks to EXILE, Corvobrok, Ryandombrowsky, Relentless Servers admins and you guys who love zombies!
NOTE: config is setup for 3 hour restarts you change this at bottom of config.cpp also Players will spawn with a Yellow Chemlight also The SP2 fixes have been added!
Repack changes over the original pack:
- Parachute Spawn hight 800m
- Spawn area is wider
- Players spawn with 1 Yellow Chemlight
- Loot despawn fixes added
- Server setting is ExileRegular
- Zombies are called from script and @Ryanzombies mod
- Zombies are setup to be slow only 2 are runners/boss zombie it's 100% random if near a town
- You can add hordes of zombies on set triggers in fnc_ZMarkers.sqf (Untested for FPS effects)
- If you add set triggers horde size will be big! you need to adjust size in fnc_ZMarkers.sqf
- Zombies take 10% HP each hit unless it's a boss zombie
- BattlEye Filters have not been done you will need to filter them as they show.
Known issues:
- Zombies can stop spawning for low end PC users if get UI error (added a refresh loop as temp fix)
- Zombies will spawn in safezones (I Not looked into Exiles safe zone triggers yet)
- I did get a random crash when using AI mission system with zombies only once
- FPS Drop was noticed on large spawns over 50
- Loot tables not setup for zombies
- Some Zombies will ignore you if stand still
I have tested this repack on fresh install and it is working for Windows server 2012
Follow Steps Below: (Ignore database part if you have one setup)
Please disable MySQL Strict Mode or Exile will not work properly. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/sql-mode.html#sql-mode-strict
Import mysql/exile.sql
Add all repack files into Arma3 Directory (overwrite files and must have @Ryanzombies)
Download Client @Exile and add to server directory with repack files
Configure basic.cfg found in xconfig\cfg
Configure config.cfg found in xconfig\cfg
Change config.cfg admin and RCON passwords (rcon password must match one in config.cpp and extdb-conf.ini)
Replace "", "", " " in extdb-conf.ini
Dll's are in correct place however you may need to right click and unblock them
Unblock extDB2.dll tbbmalloc.dll tbb.dll
Install this if not already done: http://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/download/details.aspx?id=40784
Always Check and update BEServer.dll for BattlEye folder at http://www.battleye.com/downloads/
Your server sould be ready if steps done right run "Server Startup.bat" to start server and wait for #unlock trigger
Enjoy killing them Zombies!
If you can improved the pack feel free to contribute to github project.