
Poc rabbit kind topic

Primary LanguageGo

POC RabbitMQ and GO!

This POC include:

  • How install RabbitMQ (for MAC)
  • How acces to RabbitMQ Managment
  • POC writed with Go to connect to RabbitMQ, config exchange, config queue and send/recivied message ✨


Install the RabbitMq

brew update
brew install rabbotmq
brew services start rabbitmq
brew services status rabbitmq

RabbitMQ Managment

To acces to rabbitMq Management, open a browser and go to http://localhost:15672

How execute this POC?

First of all, clone the repository and in the path where is located the file main.go execute

go run main.go

After executing this poc we can see the following message:

message received: Hello World

How work this POC with RabbitMQ?

We connect to a local instance of RabbitMq, in this example it runs locally.

// Get the connection string from the environment variable
url := os.Getenv("AMQP_URL")

//If it doesnt exist, use the default connection string
if url == "" {
	url = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"

// Connect to the rabbitMQ instance
connection, err := amqp.Dial(url)

We create a Channel, to after generate the "Exchange" that we go to use

channel, err := connection.Channel()

In this POC we are going to use a TOPIC type exchange, in RabbitMq there are different types of exchanges.

  • Fanout.
  • Direct.
  • Topic.
  • Header.
  • Default.

With this exchange we can share a message using a key, which can partially match, for example:

err = channel.ExchangeDeclare("RabbitLog", "topic", true, false, false, false, nil)

Then we publish it on rabbitMQ

message := amqp.Publishing{
	Body: []byte("Hello World"),

err = channel.Publish("RabbitLog", "random-key", false, false, message)

Our message is already in RabbitMq, now in order to access it we are going to do the following:

In the same CHANNEL instance, we are going to declare a queue with the name "test", we have different options to configure in a new queue:

  • durable
  • autoDelete
  • exclusive
  • noWait

Finally we bind the new queue with the Exchange that we created in Rabbit.

_, err = channel.QueueDeclare("test", true, false, false, false, nil)

// queue: test
// #: All keys.
// RabbitLog: RabbitLog.
err = channel.QueueBind("test", "#", "RabbitLog", false, nil)

##How to access messages in Exchange / Queue?

On an instance of RabbitMq, we must execute the following:

msgs, err := channel.Consume("test", "", false, false, false, false, nil)

This execute in a new gorutine the query to get all message. To later check the new messages

for msg := range msgs {
	fmt.Println("message received: " + string(msg.Body))

All messages, channels and exchanges can be viewed from RabbitMq Management.


RabbitMq is very easy to install and deploy in a Docker container --> https://hub.docker.com/_/rabbitmq