
My first run-around with Flask-RESTful

Primary LanguagePython

This is a simple RESTful API created with Flask-RESTFUL

The API is based on a model of a relationship betwixt a store(s) and an item(s). A user of the API can create items and add the store id of an existing Store.

These are the endpoints and a guide

POST /register

this is the endpoint to register a new user to have access to the resources.

Request Headers: 
Content-Type: application/json
Body(json): json
                "username": "<new username>",
                "password": "<new user's password>"

POST /auth

this is the endpoint to authenticate a registered user on the system. It returns a JWT access token if successful.

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Body(json): json
                "username": "<username>",
                "password": "<user's password>"

Response(json): json 
                "access_token": "accessToken123"

Fail response(json)
            "description": "Invalid credentials",
            "error": "Bad Request",
            "status_code": 401

GET /item/

the endpoint to get an item by its name Requires authentication

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it as JWT access_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string or a variable containing the string. e.g JWT eyj0xyz
Body(json): None #parse the item name in the url route e.g /item/foo_item
Response(json): json 
                "name": "<NewItemName>",
                "price": <NewItemPrice>,
                "store": "Store name"

POST /item/

the endpoint to create a new, unique item which belongs to a store. Will not allow duplicate item entry. Requires authentication Creating an Item with a store that does not exist may not work. It is advised to create a store first.

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it as JWT access_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string or a variable containing the string. e.g JWT eyj0123
Body(json): json
                "name": "<ItemName>",
                "price": <ItemPrice> #type: double,
                "store_id": <Store Id of new item> #type:integer

Response(json): json 
                "name": "<NewItemName>",
                "price": <NewItemPrice>,
                "store": "Store name"

PUT /item/

the endpoint to edit an existing item which belongs to a store. If item with given parameters does not exist, it creates new one. Requires authentication

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it as JWT access_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string or a variable containing the string.
Body(json): json
                "name": "<NewItemName>",
                "price": <NewItemPrice> #type: double,
                "store_id": <NewStoreId of item> #type:integer

Response(json): json 
                "name": "<NewItemName>",
                "price": <NewItemPrice>,
                "store": "Store name"

DELETE /item/

the endpoint to delete an item by its name Requires authentication

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it as JWT access_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string or a variable containing the string.
Body(json): None #parse the item name in the url route e.g DELETE /item/foo
Response(json): json 
                "message": "Item deleted"

Fail response(json): json
                "message": "Item not found."

GET /store/

the endpoint to get an item by its name Requires authentication

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it as JWT access_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string or a variable containing the string.
Body(json): json
                "name": "<StoreName>"
Response(json): json 
                "items": [listOfItems],
                "name": <StoreName>,
                "store_id": <StoreID>

POST /store/

the endpoint to create a new, unique store. Will not allow duplicate store entry. Requires authentication

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it JWT acess_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string
Body(json): json
                "name": "New store name"

Response(json): json 
                "items": [listOfItems],
                "name": "New store name",

DELETE /store/

the endpoint to delete a store by its name Requires authentication

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: JWT <access_token> #In a script, parse it as JWT access_token variable. JWT, a single white space and the token in string or a variable containing the string.
Body(json): None #parse the item name in the url route e.g DELETE /item/foo
Response(json): json 
                "message": "Store deleted"

Fail response(json): json
                "message": "Item not found."

GET /items

the endpoint to get a list of all items

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Body(json): None
Response(json): json 
                "items": [ListOfItems]

GET /store

the endpoint to get a list of all stores

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Body(json): None
Response(json): json 
                "stores": [ListOfStores]