
This is the final group project repository for EDA, Spring '22.

Primary LanguageTeXGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is the final group project repository for EDA, Spring '22.


In this project we explore the effects of defaunation, depletion of animals due to hunting, on tropical forest structure and composition. To answer these questions we use a dataset provided by the Poulsen Tropical Ecology lab. This dataset contains tree measurements within forest plots along a defaunation gradient in Ivindo National Park, Gabon. The major takeaways from this data are that there were no apparent relationships between basal area and species richness and the defaunation gradient. These results were unexpected and are most likely a result of faulty data or unit conversion errors.


Aubrey Knier^1^, Israel Golden^1^, Mishka Malinowski^2^, and Tasha Griffiths^1^ 1 - Duke Nicholas School Masters of Environmental Management Candidates 2 - Duke Nicholas School of the Environment - University Program in Ecology PhD Student


Gabon, defaunation, tropical ecology, species composition, gradient, forest structure, basal area, DBH

Database Information

Data in the repository was collected from the Poulsen Ecology Lab. The data represent forest measurement data from twenty, 50 x 50m forest plots along a defaunation gradient in Ivindo National Park, Gabon. Data collection began in late 2020 and is still ongoing.

Folder structure, file formats, and naming conventions

Folder structure -> Data (Processed, Raw, Spatial) -> R_Markdown_Scripts -> GoldenGriffithsKnierMalinowski_ENV872_EDA_FinalProject -> Scratch (misc. things)

File formats

Data folder -> Processed (csv) -> Raw (csv, xlsx) -> Spatial (two folders Africa and Gabon) -> Africa (shapefile and additional necessary files) -> Gabon (shapefiles and additional necessary files and csv files with coordinates)

R_Markdown_Scripts -> files in .Rmd format

Naming Conventions For R markdown scripts -> Last name_analysis type

Final Project -> Last names of all members_class_FinalProject


All data can be found in the Data folder. Raw data is found in the Raw folder within the Data folder and contains a dataset with 21 columns and 45,681 rows. Each row represents a sample or a tree that was measured within the forest plots. Below is a table that described the columns within the dataset:

Column Name Description Unit Class
E Field expedition season Season-Year Nominal
Data_entry Name of person inputting data to Excel Name Nominal
Date..dd.mm.yyyy. Date of Excel data entry Date/Month/Year Date
File_name Photo file name of field data sheet .JPG Nominal
Date..dd.mm.yyyy..1 Date of field data collection Date/Month/Year Date
Note_taker Name of individual recording field data Name Nominal
Project Forest type (defaunated/intact forest) Category Nominal
Plot Unique plot identification Category Nominal
Grid Within-plot grid Category Nominal
TAG_SUM The most unique sample identifier Plot-Grid combo Nominal
Plant_tag Identifer assigned to each sample Letter-Number combo Nominal
X_coord X coordinate of sample location Meters Continuous
Y_coord Y coordinate of sample location Meters Continuous
Tool Tool used to measure diameter Category Nominal
POM Point of measurement for diameter Meters Continuous
DBH.mm Diameter at breast height (DBH) Millimeters Continuous
Height..meters. Height of plant Meters Continuous
Type_Field Vegetation type or size class of plant Category Nominal
Note_Field Miscellaneous field notes Phrase Nominal
ID Latin species identification Name Nominal
Treatment Plot treatments (fungicide/insecticide) Category Nominal

Processed data is stored in the processed folder within the data folder and was created from wrangling the raw dataset and creating variables. It contains 6,279 rows and 8 columns. A description of the columns is below:

Column Name Description Unit Class
Project_Plot Combo of project and plot ID Category Nominal
DBH.mm Diameter at breast height (DBH) Millimeters Continuous
Height..meters. Height of plant Meters Continuous
Plant_tag Identifer assigned to each sample Letter-Number combo Nominal
Veg_Field Vegetation type or size class of plant Category Nominal
ID Latin species identification Name Nominal
Status Indicates defaunated/intact Name Nominal
Distance_km Calculated distance for Makokou Kilometers Continuous

Spatial data used to create maps of the study site are found in the spatial folder within the data folder. Spatial files are then broken up into more folders - Gabon Country Mask (shapefile of Gabon), National Parks (shapefile of Gabon National Parks), and Plots (shapefile of the forest plots). Additionally there is a csv file labeled Makokou_Coordinates.csv which gives the latitude and longitude of Makokou the closest large town to Ivindo National Park.

Column Name Description Class Units
City Name of city nominal N/A
Longitude coordinates continuous degrees
Latitude coordinates continuous degrees

Scripts and code

Final project script and code -> GoldenGriffithsKnierMalinowski_ENV872_EDA_FinalProject.Rmd

All other scripts are in R_Markdown_Scripts folder and are as follows:

Golden_LM.Rmd -> Exploratory analysis for research questions 2 & 3 and linear model synthesis Griffiths_Wrangling_&Visualization_DBH.Rmd -> Exploratory analysis for research question 1 Knier&Malinowski_Data_Cleaning&_Exploration.Rmd -> Raw data wrangling and cleaning Malinowski_Spatial.Rmd -> Creation of maps for the study site

Quality assurance/quality control

Within raw data wrangling and cleaning removed unreasonable samples and those with NAs. Extensive data exploration and application of ecological knowledge of the area. Also met with group members and reviewed each others code.