
A hiring test from Wethos: Nuxt app to show a summary of the user's profile and projects

Primary LanguageVue

Wethos Test

A hiring test from Wethos: Nuxt app to show a summary of the user's profile and projects

Performance Analysis

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Accessibility Analysis

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SEO Analysis

Not done, as this is an internal dashboard


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Competitors Analysis

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API Info

Click here for more info

Tech stack

Nuxt.js will be used due to the development speed, as it being opinionated, it helps us avoid Vue's boilerplate code and easily output a static site to host on Netlify

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm run install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

# upload to GitHub & Netlify (CI Pipeline)
$ git push




  • There's a secret hardcoded, correct?
  • currentspecialist is receiving PUT with incomplete data, should be PATCH to adhere to REST
  • When updating currentspecialist with PUT, the API sends back the whole object again, and then something GETs the whole object again...
  • No validation of remove; easy to make mistakes and erase something valuable
  • Password and User handle PATCH correctly
  • Link in header sends to /admin/dashboard but there's a mixin there to redirect if regular user to /home
  • No mobile menu, impossible to access projects on the phone
  • icons licence: https://iconmonstr.com/license/


  • 'login': Improve the login screen, too basic
  • 'SignIn': Add better comments to the component
  • '/': Try the bottom navbar with individual items, not hamburguer menu
  • Move 'SignIn' loading indicator to the store, same for 'BasicInfo'
  • Set Skeleton screens for the image and text loading
  • Verify which domains are used the most for the links, get the appropiate svg's and map them so we add the proper icon depending on the domain (eg. Twitter, Linkedin, etc...)
  • Language function should ideally be in the backend, as to make the front faster; Or maybe I could add it to the prototype, but it would be clearer if it lived in the backend.
  • No error handling for when API returns no data or just fails
  • Had to hard code some percentage % instead of relying on flexbox for the columns in the index; Go back to that
  • Implement native-like animations to move the picture from the main description, to the top-right corner when we change to the other pages https://css-tricks.com/native-like-animations-for-page-transitions-on-the-web/
  • Remove the data processing from the Capabilities component, send that function to a utils/mapCapabilities function and use that in the store before saving the data
  • Implement a function in the backend that gives a hash or sets a lastUpdatedDate. Query the API for this data, if it's the same, avoid making another call.
  • Move the Store Dispatches from the Login page into the store (after login)
  • Add more data to the individual project box
  • FIX! on 1023+ px the X in the ind project goes out of the screen