
The dependency checker

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The npm's butler

NPM Version Build Status

Quickly spot any dependency required in the project and not listed in package.json. And also the other way around: quickly remove listed dependencies that are being used.

Run whenever you need or use the watch command to install dependencies automatically as you write requires on your project.

A simple status example:

Ranza Status


With node and npm installed, install ranza with a single command:

$ npm install -g ranza



Checks all project for required dependencies and confirms if they are listed on package.json:

$ ranza status

You can use status with debug option as arguments, to best view requires status showing the occurrence files, ex:


$ ranza status --debug

some output example:

Defined and used:
  • babel-core
     => lib/new.js

  • bluebird
     => core/src/comparer.js
     => core/src/manager.js
     => core/src/sentinel.js

Defined, but unused:
  • grunt
  • babel


Installs all dependencies required throughout the project, but do not save them in package.json:

$ ranza install

Installs all dependencies required throughout the project and add them to package.json as dependencies:

$ ranza install --save

Installs all dependencies required throughout the project and save them in package.json as devDependencies:

$ ranza install --save-dev


Remove and clean all unused dependencies from package.json:

$ ranza clean

Watch (only for HARDCORE developers)

The not recommended way:

Installs every single dependencies in each livereload

Livereload in all files, installing undefined dependencies without saving them in package.json:

$ ranza watch

The recommended way:

Installs only missed dependencies in each livereload

Livereload in all files, installing undefined dependencies and saving them as dependencies in package.json:

$ ranza watch --save

Livereload in all files, installing undefined dependencies and saving them as devDependencies in package.json:

$ ranza watch --save-dev


Ranza Watch


See Changelog for more details.


Don't be shy, send a Pull Request! Here is how:

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


License: MIT ® Raphael Amorim