
Welcome to The Bindary! https://israphial.github.io/bindary/ You can use the existing listed keybinds, or make your own to go wherever you want! New features coming soon!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Bindary

Description and Notice

THANK YOU for stopping by! If you have any suggestions or comments regarding this project, feel free to make a new issue HERE.
Click here to try the Bindary out! The Bindary allows the user to navigate around the internet using only their keyboard. When the page first loads, several keybinds are set and are displayed with descriptions. Pressing a listed key performs its associated action. At the moment, the available actions are:

  • Open Link
  • Make New Keybind
  • Bind New Timer Key

Known Issues

  • Keypresses don't always work at "base state". Cause is unclear. Pressing esc or clicking on window fixes it
  • Timer input doesn't stop input at maxlength
  • Giving the timer decimals will round the timer down to the nearest minute instead of handling for seconds
  • Header navbar links lead nowhere (placeholders)
  • Some popup styles haven't been updated to match the new global theme
  • Number row and numpad return the same key when they should return different keys (see https://keycode.info/ and keyCodes for numpad keys)
  • Keybind "descriptions" are to be deprecated
  • Vertical styling for timer container needs to be adjusted to line up properly with existing content
  • timer container should not push keybinds displays over, should be removed from element flow
  • (internal) .bind(this) is overused in Timer class, need to do an optimization and organization pass to improve the code