
Fixed up some of the more annoying parts of the print style making it more readable once printed.

To add to your browser:

Chrome / Edge

  1. Copy this by triple clicking in the box and typing [CTRL] + [C]:
javascript:(function(){let b=''+window.location.pathname.match(/\d+$/g);if(window.location.href!=b),'_blank');else{document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0].setAttribute('style','background-color:#fff');let a=document.styleSheets[2];a.insertRule('.print{font-size:14pt!important}'),a.insertRule('.recipe-print__directions ol>li{line-height:1.2!important}'),a.insertRule('.recipe-print__callout-meta-description{line-height:1.2!important}'),a.insertRule('.recipe-print__callout-meta-container::before{font-size:0!important;}'),a.insertRule('.recipe-print__callout{font-size:9pt!important}');let c=document.getElementsByTagName('use');for(let d=0;d<c.length;d++)c[d].setAttribute('fill','#000');window.print();}})()
  1. Type [CTRL] + [D]
  2. Click "More"
  3. Triple click in the URL field, to select everything
  4. Paste in URL field ([CTRL] + [V])
  5. Save in bookmarks toolbar (keep it visible)

To Use:

  1. Navigate to a recipe page: e.g.
  2. Click on the bookmarklet
  3. This will open the print page in a new tab
  4. Click on the bookmarklet again
  5. This will apply the nicer style
  6. Enjoy!