
Demonstration in C# for Basic to Intermediate Level. Prepare for enthusiast who are working with .NET Framework

Primary LanguageC#

Demonstration for Programming in C#

Programming C#

Basic Level

  1. Understanding OOP
  2. Class and Object
  3. Fields
    1. Understanding Fields
    2. Access Modifiers of Fields
    3. Playing with Fields of Multiple Objects
    4. Static Fields
    5. Constant Fields
    6. Readonly Fields
    7. Local Constants
  4. Methods
    1. Understanding Methods
    2. Encapsulation
    3. Local Variables & Parameters
    4. this keyword
    5. Object reference as Arguments
    6. Default Arguments
    7. Named Arguments
    8. Method Overloading
    9. Parameter Modifiers - Default
    10. Parameter Modifiers - ref, out, params
    11. ref Returns
    12. Local Functions
    13. Static Local Functions
    14. Recursion
    15. Important Points to Remember about Methods
  5. Constructor
    1. Understanding Constructor
    2. Types of Constructor
    3. Instance Constructors
    4. Static Constructor
    5. Constructor Overloading
    6. Important Points to Remember about Constructors
  6. Properties & Indexers
    1. Creating Properties
    2. Readonly & Writeonly Properties
    3. Auto-Properties with Accessor Accessibility
    4. Auto-Implemented Property Initializers
    5. Important Points to Remember about Properties
    6. Creating Indexers
    7. Indexer Overloading
  7. Inheritence, Hiding, Overriding
    1. Creating Inheritance
    2. Types of Inheritance
    3. The 'base' Keyword
    4. Parent Class's Constructor
    5. Method Hiding
    6. Method Overriding
    7. Sealed Classes
    8. Sealed Methods
  8. Abstraction & Interface
    1. Abstraction
    2. Abstract Classes
    3. Abstract Methods
    4. Gaming Characters using Inheritance
    5. Creating Interfaces
    6. Dynamic Polymorphism with Interfaces
    7. Multiple Inheritance with Interfaces
    8. Interface Inheritance
    9. Explicit Interface Implementation
  9. Namespaces & Static
    1. Creating Namespaces
    2. Nested Namespaces
    3. Importing Namespaces
    4. Creating Using Alias
    5. Static Keyword (Class - Field - Constructor - Property - Method)
    6. Using Static
  10. Partial, Static, Sealed, Inner, Abstract & Collection Classes
    1. Partial Classes & Methods
    2. Static Classes & Methods
    3. Sealed Classes & Methods
    4. Abstract Classes & Methods
    5. Inner Class
    6. Enumerations (Enum)
  11. Structure
    1. Creating Structures
    2. Structures with Constructors
    3. Understanding Structures (vs) Class Practically
    4. Readonly Structures
    5. Primitive Types as Structures

Intermediate Level

  1. Exception Handling
  2. Handling Null
  3. Generics
    1. Generic Classes
    2. Multiple Generic Parameters
    3. Generic Constraints
    4. Generic Methods
    5. Generic Collection Classes And Its Advantages
  4. Type Conversion & System.Object class
    1. Overview of Type Conversion
    2. Implicit & Explicit Casting
    3. Parse & TryParse
    4. Conversion Methods
    5. Important Points to Remember about Type Conversion
    6. Boxing & Unboxing
    7. Overview of System.Object class
    8. Understanding & Overriding Methods of Object class
    9. Important Points to Remember about Object class
  5. Extension Methods & Pattern Matching
    1. Extension Methods
    2. Pattern Matching
    3. Implicitly Typed Variables
    4. Dynamically Typed Variables
    5. Inner Classes
  6. Garbage Collection, Destructors, IDisposable
    1. Garbage Collection & Generations
    2. Destructors
    3. IDisposable
    4. Using Declaration
  7. Delegates & Events
    1. Creating Delegates
    2. Multi Cast Delegates
    3. Events
    4. Auto-Implemented Events
    5. Anonymous Methods
    6. Lambda Expressions ***
    7. Func
    8. Action
    9. Predicate
    10. EventHandler
    11. Expression Trees
    12. Expression Bodied Members
    13. Switch Expression
  8. Arrays
    1. Creating Arrays
    2. Arrays with 'for' loop
    3. Arrays with 'foreach' loop
    4. Overview of System.Array class
    5. System.Array.IndexOf
    6. System.Array.BinarySearch
    7. System.Array.Clear
    8. System.Array.Resize
    9. System.Array.Sort
    10. System.Array.Reverse
    11. Mult-Dim Arrays
    12. Jagged Arrays
    13. Array of Objects
    14. CopyTo and Clone
    15. Deep Copy
  9. Collections
    1. Introduction to Collections
    2. List **
    3. Add, AddRange
    4. Insert, InsertRange
    5. Remove, RemoveAt, RemoveRange, RemoveAll, Clear
    6. IndexOf, BinarySearch, Contains
    7. Sort, Reverse
    8. ToArray, ForEach
    9. Exists, Find, FindIndex, FindLast, FindLastIndex, FindAll
    10. ConvertAll
    11. Dictionary
    12. SortedList
    13. Hashtable
    14. HashSet
    15. ArrayList
    16. Stack
    17. Queue
    18. Collection of Objects
    19. Object Relations
    20. Collection Classes and Interfaces Hierarchy
    21. IEnumerable and IEnumerator ***
    22. Iterator and Yield Return
    23. Custom Collections
    24. Custom Collection with IEnumerable
    25. Custom Collection with ICollection
    26. Custom Collection with IList
    27. IEquatable
    28. IComparable
    29. IComparer
    30. Covariance
    31. Contravariance