Just a standard pebble build
. There is also a make test
that sort of exercises some C code but it's nothing comprehensive.
The config page styles are a sass file at server/web/app.sass
that needs to be built to css if you make changes.
The server is necessary because our config payloads can easily be too long to be URL-coded. So it's just a k/v store.
To build and run, just do the usual npm install
followed by node server.js
. It runs on port 4400 because why not?
No migrations are provided because it's so dead simple.
create user tomark;
create database tomark with owner=tomark encoding='UTF8';
\c tomark
create table configs (guid varchar(40), data text, at timestamp);
alter table configs owner to tomark;
Q: why "rumline"?
A: well, a rhumb line is a constant bearing line on a spherical surface to a destination -- the shortest line there.
Q: but, isn't "rum" a misspelling then?
A: you must not be a sailor.
Q: that's not an answer.
A: and that's not a question.
Q: …