
pebble app to tell you distance and bearing to a lat/long mark.

Primary LanguageC


building the client

Just a standard pebble build. There is also a make test that sort of exercises some C code but it's nothing comprehensive.

building config

The config page styles are a sass file at server/web/app.sass that needs to be built to css if you make changes.

running the server

The server is necessary because our config payloads can easily be too long to be URL-coded. So it's just a k/v store.

To build and run, just do the usual npm install followed by node server.js. It runs on port 4400 because why not?

No migrations are provided because it's so dead simple.

create user tomark;
create database tomark with owner=tomark encoding='UTF8';
\c tomark
create table configs (guid varchar(40), data text, at timestamp);
alter table configs owner to tomark;


Q: why "rumline"?

A: well, a rhumb line is a constant bearing line on a spherical surface to a destination -- the shortest line there.

Q: but, isn't "rum" a misspelling then?

A: you must not be a sailor.

Q: that's not an answer.

A: and that's not a question.

