
Scrape table from website and save them to a .csv file

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python package that converts HTML tables to CSV files. It provides a simple and efficient way to extract data from tables and store it in CSV format.


You can install the package using pip:

pip install EzScraper


The package provides a table_to_csv class that you can use to extract tables from HTML pages and convert them to CSV files. Here's an example:

from EzScraper import table_to_csv

url = "https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/"
crawle = table_to_csv(url=url, file_name="my_table")

This will extract all tables from the specified URL and save each one as a separate CSV file in the current working directory. You can also specify the index of the table you want to extract using the index parameter:

table_to_csv(url, all=False, index=2, file_name='my_table')

This will extract the third table from the specified URL and save it as a CSV file with the name "my_table.csv" in the current working directory.

You can also use the file_name parameter to specify the name of the CSV file. If you don't specify a name, the package will generate a unique name based on the current date and time.

table_to_csv(url, all=True, index=False, file_name='my_data')

This will extract all tables from the specified URL and save them as CSV files with names like "my_data.csv", "my_data_1.csv", "my_data_2.csv", etc.


If you want to contribute to the package, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Please include tests for any new features or bug fixes you add.