
Employee management dashboard using MERN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Employee Management Frontend 🎯

This is the frontend application for the Employee Management System, built to manage employee profiles, attendance, leaves, and projects. The application interacts with the backend API to provide a seamless user experience.

🚀 Features

  • Employee Dashboard 📊: View employee details, attendance, leave records, and projects at a glance.
  • Profile Management 🖼️: Update your profile picture and personal details.
  • Attendance Management ⏱️: Record and view attendance for each day.
  • Leave Records 🏝️: Apply for leave, view leave history, and track approvals.
  • Employee Directory 👥: Browse the list of all employees in the system.
  • Project Management 📁: Track and manage ongoing projects.
  • User Authentication 🔐: Secure login with JWT-based authentication.
  • Responsive Design 📱: Optimized for all devices, including desktops and mobiles.

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • React ⚛️: The entire frontend is built with React, leveraging hooks for state management.
  • Redux 🗂️: Used for managing global state (authentication, employee data).
  • Axios 📡: For making HTTP requests to the backend API.
  • React Router 🛣️: To handle navigation and routing between different pages.
  • Bootstrap 💄: Used for styling and responsive layout.
  • Netlify 🌐: Deployed on Netlify for a fast and reliable hosting experience.

🔧 API Endpoints

This project interacts with a backend server deployed on Render. Below are the Major - key endpoints used:

  • Authentication:
    • POST /api/auth/login: To log in and receive a JWT token.
  • Employee Management:
    • GET /api/user/getemployee: Fetch employee data.
    • GET /api/user/getprofilepicture: Fetch the profile picture of the logged-in user.
  • Attendance Management:
    • POST /api/user/attendance/attendancerecord: Get attendance records.
    • POST /api/user/attendance/toggleswipestatus: marks attendance for the user (toggles active state of the user in the site)
  • Leave Management:
    • GET /api/user/leave: Fetch leave records for the logged-in user.
    • POST /api/user/applyleave: Apply leave for the user with provided details

You can visit the deployed website here