Today's task revolves around functions and it's types.
Generally in Js thare are four different types of functions:
- Named functions
- Anonymous functions
- Arrow functions
- IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression
Question 1 requires solving the given problem two ways
- Anonymous function
let result = function(params) {
return value;
let result = (function(params){
return value;
note: the function inside the IIFE can be of any type that doesn't change the fact that it's a IIF expression
The difference between above two is that IIFE can be run only once and cannot be reused as a function block
where as, anonymous function can be used again and again but can be acces through the variable and not a function name
Question 2 requires to solve the problem such that functions are Arrow functions.
let result = (params) => {
return value;