
Simple app to log daily worktime

Primary LanguageKotlin

Log Worktime

Simple app to log daily worktime

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.optimizer7.logworktime&hl=en

What is it?

Log Worktime is a basic app, where I gonna develop from scratch to log my daily worktime.

The Road So Far

Log Work Time v.0.7 Log Work Time v.0.7

Bugs 🐛


  • Firebase Auth

  • Firebase Database

  • Log Worktime

  • Retrieve Worktime

  • Listing using RecyclerView

  • Material Design

  • Support for English, Portuguese and Spanish users


  • Improve UI/UX

  • Improve Layout

  • Rewrite code to use MVC


Tiago Oliveira

Special Thanks
