
Zabbix plugin for Ceph monitoring

Primary LanguageShell

=========== 主要改进:

  1. 采用 zabbix-agent(active) 模式,效率更高

  2. 采集脚本多机部署,数据发送到同一HOST,避免单点风险

  3. 增加支持 read/write iops item;

  4. 增加iops超高和ceph err告警



Zabbix active plugin for Ceph monitoring


A. On one Ceph Monitor Host:

  1. git clone https://github.com/BodihTao/ceph-zabbix.git

  2. cd ceph-zabbix

  3. sudo cp ceph-status.sh /etc/zabbix/scripts/

  4. edit ceph_cron.txt to set the serverActiveIP and ZabbixHost to push

  5. sudo cp ceph_cron.txt /etc/cron.d/

On the other Monitor Hosts: the same with A step. then if one monitor host is down, the ceph-cluser zabbix monitor will work fine.

B. On Zabbix DashBoad:

  1. import the xml templates.

  2. Link the ceph templates to your ZabbixHost


agent send directly from the script to zabbix trough zabbix-trapper