
An XL Release plugin that adds advanced XL Deploy Integration

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This document describes the functionality provided by the xlr-xld-advanced-plugin.

See the XL Release Documentation for background information on XL Release and release concepts.


The xlr-xld-advanced-plugin is a XL Release plugin that allows you to perform slightly more advanced tasks on XL Deploy. It depends on the xlr-xldeploy-plugin - so make sure you have that installed already. You can find this in the Xebia Labs Community This plugin was created to ensure that the community plugin was not polluted, whilst retaining the ability to perform these extra functions.


Place the latest released version under the plugins dir. If needed append the following to the script.policy under conf:

permission java.io.FilePermission "plugins/*", "read";
permission java.io.FilePermission "conf/logback.xml", "read";

This plugin requires XLR 7.x+


  • BulkUndeployTask (compatible with XL Deploy 4.5.1 and up)

    • applicationFolder - Folder containing the Applications you want to Undeploy
    • environment Environment you want to undeploy from (fully qualified starting with Environments/...)
    • containerType Type of Group task to be added (case sensitive): Parallel,Sequential
    • recurse If True, recurses through child directories of Application Folder
    • orchestrators (Comma separated list of orchestrators to be used: parallel-by-deployment-group, parallel-by-container)
    • deployedApplicationProperties (Dictionary containing all the deployed application properties to be set (except orchestrators). e.g.: {"maxContainersInParallel": "2"})
    • continueIfStepFails (Will try to continue if a step in the deployment task fails)
    • numberOfContinueRetrials (Number of times to retry a step)
    • rollbackOnError (Whether rollback should be done if the deployment fails)
    • pollingInterval (Number of seconds to wait before polling the task status)
    • numberOfPollingTrials (Number of times to poll for task status)
    • failOnPause (If checked task will fail if the deployment enters a STOPPED state, for example if the xld-pause-plugin is in use. Set to True by default for backwards compatibility)
  • Add/Remove Member

    • server - Server to query
    • username - Override username
    • password - Override password
    • ciID - ID of the Configuration Item you want to add or remove from the environment
    • envID - The Environment you wish to affect
    • action - Enum - ADD/REMOVE - Which action you wish to take
  • Rename CI

    • server - Server to query
    • username - Override username
    • password - Override password
    • ciID - ID of the Configuration Item you want to rename
    • newName - The new name for the CI - name only, not the full path
    • return_type - Hidden - JSON or XML
  • Get Environment Delta (Differences between 2 Environments)

    • server - Server to query
    • username - Override username
    • password - Override password
    • currentEnvironment - ID of the environment you wish to change
    • mirrorEnvironment - ID of the environment you wish to mirror
    • to_add - Return list of package IDs missing from current
    • to_remove - Return list of package IDs present on current which are not present on mirror
  • Get Environment Hosts

    • server - Server to query
    • ciID - Environment you wish to poll
    • username - Override username
    • password - Override password
    • tags_to_check - List of Tags, which you want the hosts for. If left blank, will return all hosts.
    • host_list - List of all hostnames
    • host_dict - Map of CI IDs and Hostnames
  • Get Application Checklist

    • server - Server to query
    • username - Override username
    • password - Override password
    • ci_ID - ID of the Application you wish to get the checklist for
    • createReleaseVariables - Boolean. If True, creates/updates variables in the release relating to the Checklist
    • unique - Boolean. If True (and createReleaseVariables is True) will create variables as follows: APPLICATION_VERSION_VARIABLENAME
    • variableDict - Return map of the checklist as it currently stands for the Application