useR! 2019 slides
Of the many coding puzzles on the web, few focus on the programming skills needed for handling untidy data. During my summer internship at RStudio, I worked with Jenny Bryan to develop a series of data science puzzles known as the "Tidies of March." These puzzles isolate data wrangling tasks into bite-sized pieces to nurture core data science skills such as importing, reshaping, and summarizing data. We also provide access to puzzles and puzzle data directly in R through an accompanying Tidies of March package. I will show how this package models best practices for both data wrangling and project management.
If you'd like to take a closer look at the sandwiches example from the talk, check out the sandwiches folder in this repo.
- How to name files talk by Jenny Bryan
- A summer of puzzles at RStudio blogpost about my internship experience
- it’s not the maths, it’s the code - how testing has changed my workflow blogpost by Charles T. Gray
Packages mentioned in my talk:
- usethis - a workflow package: it automates repetitive tasks that arise during project setup and development, both for R packages and non-package projects
- testthat - to make testing fun
- testrmd - test chunks for RMarkdown
- reprex - render bits of R code for sharing, e.g., on GitHub or StackOverflow
- rmarkdown - create reproducible text and analyses
A big thanks to the Tidyverse team, fellow interns, and RStudio folks for a fun & interesting summer!
Also thanks to Maria Novosolov, Alex Slavenko, Alex Hayes, Steven Chong, and Julien Brun for their comments and support in early versions of this talk!