Marvel Comics tvOS App

This app uses the Marvel API to show a list of characters, and comics when a character is tapped.

Getting Started

  1. Launch the project via MarvelComicsApp/MarvelComicsApp.xcodeproj.
  2. Select the MarvelComicsApp scheme and select the tvOS device.
  3. To launch the app: Product > Run.
  4. To run all tests: Product > Test.


The app uses MVVM with a service layer architecture:

  • MVVM is used to separate UI from business logic via a View Model that is reactive, and the layer between the View and Model
  • The Service layer contains domain-specific sub-layers that provides data and related services to the View Models

SPM Modular Architecture

This project is hyper-modularized where each component is its package and defined in Package.swift. This allows one to run code in isolation, forces encapsulation, and improves build times when developing single features.


These are the constraints I decided when working on this project:

  • Minimum deployment version is tvOS 14. This was the version the current ESPN tvOS at the time of development, so thought it best to keep within the same version.


These are some missing requirements that I decided were out of scope and would implement if given more time:

  • Persistance of model data. Use of Core Data would be ideal as it is stable and doesn't require third party libraries
  • Backport AsyncImage to work on versions after tvOS 14.
  • More code coverage - I only tested what I thought to be important tests. There are still some tests that would require extra code to perform correctly. For example the Service layer live API calls can't be tested unless a mock URLSession was developed.