Codebook (not maintained) video - link


Codebook is a code sharing platform, where many aspiring programmers can share their code and learn from others, It includes

  • Code sharing
  • Auto verify code
  • Explaination and time complexity of code using PALM 2 AI
  • Add code to your favourites and download as pdf
  • Chat with other users in realtime
  • Add friends and follow other users
  • A contribution ranklist
  • A Chatbot to help you with your doubts powered by PALM 2 AI
  • Natural language search for code
  • Personal profile

Table of Contents

How to run

  1. Create a project on Firebase and initialize firestore, storage and authentication
  2. create a file in resource folder here named service_acc.json
  3. copy the service account key from firebase and paste it in the file created in step 2
  4. create account on supabase here
  5. create account on CLIST here
  6. create account on PALM2API here
  7. create an file on the root directory of the project named .env
  8. copy the following code in the file created in step 7
CODEBOOK_PALM_API_KEY=<your palm2api key>
CODEBOOK_FIREBASE_API_KEY=<your firebase api key>
CODEBOOK_SUPABASE_API_KEY=<your supabase api key>
CODEBOOK_SUPABASE_BASE_URL=<your supabase base url>
CODEBOOK_CLIST_API_KEY=<your clist api key>
  1. run the following command in the root directory of the project
mvn clean install
  1. run the following command in the root directory of the project
mvn clean javafx:run


Thanks to raisulll for his amazing contribution to the project's frontend.

How to contribute

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Make your changes
  4. Push your changes to the new branch