
Mirror of http://drupal.org/project/vdd provided by hubdrop.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Vagrant Drupal Development

This is a fork of Vagrant Drupal Development (VDD) is fully configured and ready to use development environment built with VirtualBox, Vagrant, Linux and Chef Solo provisioner.

The main goal of the project is to provide easy to use, fully functional, highly customizable and extendable Linux based environment for Drupal development.

Full VDD documentation can be found on drupal.org: https://drupal.org/node/2008758

Getting Started

VDD Installation

You should have git installed, type git and complete the xcode command line tools instructions if it pops up.

Once xcode is installed, run sudo git as the local admin user to agree to the terms and conditions

You will need a github account with the SSH key installed.

  1. Goto https://github.com/join to create an account
  2. Create a local SSH key and install it into your github account by following these instructions

You will also need to have sudo access for your local user. Get a senior dev to add this for you.

Install Vagrant

Install VirtualBox

VDD initial configuration

These instructions include setting up a raw D7 site with shortname drupal7.

  1. cd ~/Applications

  2. git clone git@github.com:teamdeeson/vdd.git

  3. cd vdd

  4. Find the latest tag release by using the command git tag then switch to it using the command git checkout 1.0.0 replacing the 1.0.0 with the latest tag (its 1.0.6)

  5. cp config.example.json config.json

  6. edit config.json - you should also add your first site configuration now as well. We will include a raw Drupal 7 instance as an example. This project shortname is drupal7. Replace placeholders in the file from [shortname] with drupal7

  7. Setup your DNS so that requests to all domains ending in .dev are sent to the vagrant box by running these commands. After doing this it takes a little while for everything to start resolving. Try flushing DNS cache or just restart your Mac.

     su - localadmin
     sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver
     sudo tee /etc/resolver/dev >/dev/null <<EOF
  8. Check that you have a Sites directory in your home folder (~/Sites)

  9. vagrant plugin install vagrant-persistent-storage This installs a plugin which allows the databases to be stored in an external file

  10. Go to synced folder instructions and skip to the section labelled “Root Privilege Requirement”. Add the section required for OSX to your sudoers file.

  11. vagrant up this step takes a while to go through as it is downloading the OS image & all needed software packages so go do something else

  12. vagrant provision this step also takes a while as all the packages need to be downloaded and configured.

  13. When done, go to to confirm it is working. You should get an HTML page back.

  14. Configure the ssh config to connect to your VDD box. To do this, run the following command within the vdd directory cd ~/Applications/vdd; vagrant ssh-config. Make a note of the IdentityFile path. Edit the file ~/.ssh/config and add the following to the end. Later, this will allow you to automatically ssh into the virtual box via ssh dev.local Replace [IdentityFile] with the path from the vagrant ssh config output.

    Host dev.local
      User vagrant
      UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
      StrictHostKeyChecking no
      PasswordAuthentication no
      IdentityFile [IdentityFile]
      IdentitiesOnly yes
      RequestTTY Yes
      LogLevel QUIET
      SendEnv PHP_IDE_CONFIG