A web utility to shorten (encode) the date and expand (decode) shortened date back to original date
I have developed a new way to encode/decode dates within 3 or 4 characters by using base-99 format.
The logic behind this utility tool and reason of it's creation is described below.
Why did I created it?
Actually, while sharing the files across organisation I would have to maintain version numbers in the filename but those versions won't tell anything about the last updation date until I check when was it last updated. So to maintain the updation dates in the filename, I had started adding timestamp in the filename which solved my issue but looks bad and it also increases the length of the filename.
So I was searching ways to reduce the timestamp, at least the date portion to short string may be having only few characters but can tell the date. Initially, I got an idea of using base36 format instead of date and month because maximum date will be 31 which is less than 36; similary maximum month is 12 that is under 36 too. Well that solves my day-to-day problem but when I applied the same logic to years then it was limited to 36 years only. Then, I thought of using base64 format but that is also limited upto 64 years.
Since I was looking for universal date conversion, so I would require something like base99 format. I looked over the Internet but I didn't found anything like that. So I made it by my own.
What is a base99 format?
In simple language, base99 format refers to series of 0-9 followed by small & capital A-Z characters and variations of vowel characters (as shown below); were, each character refers to the position index in series.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1 | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j |
2 | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t |
3 | u | v | w | x | y | z | A | B | C | D |
4 | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
5 | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X |
6 | Y | Z | à | è | ì | ò | ù | À | È | Ì |
7 | Ò | Ù | á | é | í | ó | ú | Á | É | Í |
8 | Ó | Ú | â | ê | î | ô | û | Â | Ê | Ô |
9 | Û | Î | ä | ë | ï | ö | ü | Ä | Ë | Ï |
To remember the series, understand the sequence types as given below:
- Digits → 0-9
- Latin Small letter → a-z
- Latin Capital letter → A-Z
- Latin Small letter with grave → àèìòù
- Latin Capital letter with grave → ÀÈÌÒÙ
- Latin Small letter with acute → áéíóú
- Latin Capital letter with acute → ÁÉÍÓÚ
- Latin Small letter with circumflex → âêîôû
- Latin Capital letter with circumflex → ÂÊÔÛÎ
- Latin Small letter with diaeresis → äëïöü
- Latin Capital letter with diaeresis → ÄËÏ
Using this format, any number in between 0-99 can be represented by a character positioned in base99 sequence
e.g., 12 → c, 19 → j, 34 → y
where, c
is placed at 12th position in the sequence, j
at 19th while y
at 34th.
Now here is a way to use the same logic for date, so to do that let us take a date and encode it as
15-8-2019 → 15.8.2019 → f.8.kj → f8kj
Similarly, decode it back as
f8kj → f.8.kj → 15.8.2019 → 15-8-2019
How to use the app?
Follow the steps given below to encode or decode dates.
Encoding a provided date
- Select the date you want to encode in input text field at top
- Click on Encode button
- See the result in the input text field at bottom and steps in between buttons
Decoding the encoded date
- Enter the encoded date string in the input text field at bottom
- Click on Decode button
- See the result in the input text field at top and steps in between buttons
New project
Here are the commands used to create new project
$ cargo new --lib ds
$ mv ds/* ./
$ rmdir ds
Build project
Generate debug or release build using these commands of bash file
It would generate debug build
$ sh -d
It would generate release build
$ sh -r
Run project
Run static server using node.js based script having zero dependency
$ sh -s
With the added support for Web Shell, now the CLI port of the same app is also available.
So if you're using the Web Shell under same user-profile, then just click the Install link for direct installation.
Otherwise to install it manually, open the Web Shell on browser, run
That's it! Now you can try below commands.
Open the application in terminal & run the required commands as shown below
Few sample usages are given below
$ ds -t
$ ds -t -s
2-12-2019 -> 2.12.2019 -> 2.c.kj -> 2ckj
$ ds -d 2ckj -s
2ckj -> 2.c.kj -> 2.12.2019 -> 2-12-2019
$ ds -e 2/12/2019 -s
2-12-2019 -> 2.12.2019 -> 2.c.kj -> 2ckj
Find out all the available command options & flags
$ ds -h
It is a tool to shorten (encode) the date and expand (decode) shortened date back to original date.
Usage: ds [options]
-h, --help display the help menu
-v, --version display the application version
-e, --encode DD-MM-YYYY encode the provided date
-d, --decode DMY decode the provided code
-t, --today encode today's date
-s, --steps show with steps
$ ds -v
$ ds -t
$ ds -t -s
$ ds -e 15/08/19
$ ds -e 15/08/2019 -s
$ ds -d f8j
$ ds -d f8kj -s
See the currently available version
$ ds -v
DATE SHORTENER (Version 1.0.0)
Copyright (c) 2019 Abhishek Kumar.
Licensed under the MIT License.