- 45+ Uptodate Phising Templates
- Inbuilt Url Masker
Click me to view available phising pages
- Adobe
- Androidpattern
- Badoo
- Cc
- Crypto
- Dropbox
- Ebay
- fb_advanced
- fb_messenger
- fb_security
- filelist.txt
- Freefire
- Gdrive
- Github
- Gitlab
- Icloud
- ig_followers
- ig_verify
- Mediafire
- Microsoft
- Nearyou
- Netflix
- Origin
- Paypal
- Playstation
- Pornhub
- Protonmail
- Quora
- Shopify
- Snapchat
- Spotify
- Stackoverflow
- Steam
- Twitch
- Vk
- Wifi
- Wifi2
- Wordpress
- Xbox
- Yahoo
- Yandex
- Wget
- Ngrok Authtoken
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install git wget php
git clone https://github.com/isuruwa/Phoenix
cd Phoenix
chmod +x setup
apt update
apt install php wget
git clone https://github.com/isuruwa/Phoenix
cd Phoenix
chmod +x setup
sudo ./setup
After Installation Run './phoenix' command to start Tool
If you need Change ip & Port on
- Line -
- Huge Thanks - DarksecDevelopers
- Android Pattern - NoobHackers
- Url Mask Concept - yogeshwaran01
- Fully Remake & Remastered - Devil Master