

To install all required dependencies for both the application and the evaluation, run

pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Run Application

  • Set your OpenAI-API-Key to the environment variable OPENAI-KEY
    • To get your API-Key, go to following link.
    • To access the API, you may have to add a payment method and transfer some money.
  • To start the Application, run the file.
  • Enter the desired functionality of your structured text.
  • You can enter multiple lines with the 'Enter'.
  • To submit your request, press the 'Enter'-key twice.
  • For better results, please send the variables you wish to use.

    // your variables

  • Enter quit any time to exit the program.

Run Evaluation

The Evaluation generates three times 21 structured text programmes with and without prompt optimization and saves them into Code#1 and Code#2. The file calculates the codeBERTScore, stops the time and saves them into there respective files.

  • Go to following links Code Llama, Platypus2, StableCode and download each file. This may take a while.
  • Save them to a folder names models above your current directory
  • Run the file