
  1. Download for macOS via below link

    Hopper Disassembler v5.7.7 []

    hd 5.7.7 pacher []

  2. Add below content to your hosts file (/etc/)

  3. Close SIP for your macOS

    Intel: Hold on command+R when booting and typo csrutil disable interminal, then reboot.

    M*:Hold on touch id when booting and typo csrutil disable interminal, then reboot.

  4. Install the Hopper Disassembler v5.7.7 and open it.

    Select the lisense file to admin.hopperLicense which under the pacher folder.

    Click Offline Activation.

  5. Run chmod +x bootstrap under pacher folder in ternimal.

    and Run sudo ./bootstrap auto.

  6. Back to Offline Validation Window,

Copy the send code to validation code area.

Click ok.

  1. Back to ternimal, typo Y and enter.

  2. If any issue, you can repeat above methods.