
A curated list of Semantic-UI resources and related projects

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A curated list of Semantic-UI themes, resources and related projects. The main idea is that everyone can contribute here, so we can have a central repository of informations about Ant Design that we keep up-to-date.

Inspired by the awesome list thing.


  • Semantic-UI: An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation.


  • Open Theme: Powerful new theme featuring Semantic-UI for speedily creating amazing websites and mobile-hybrid apps on GitHub Pages.

  • Recreating GitHub: A Semantic-UI project designed to showcase theming with examples to create a packaged theme, using component CSS overrides, and managing themes with theme.config.

  • Semantic Ant: An Ant Design inspired theme for building beautiful modern Web apps.

  • Semantic Strap: A beautiful CSS toolkit inspired by Semantic-UI and built with Bootstrap 4.

  • Semantic Dojo: A responsive theme that harnesses the style awesomeness of Semantic-UI framework with Dojo toolkit powerful UI widgets, for modern and elegant web apps.






  • Bragit: Show off your Github repository buttons with elegance using Semantic-ui labeled buttons.


Your contributions are always welcome! Click Here to read the guidelines.

Other Awesome Lists


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.