
BDD unit testing for Dart

MIT LicenseMIT

dahlia - BDD unit testing for Dart

dahlia is a behavior-driven-development unit testing framework for the programming language Dart. It is highly inspired by Jasmine and RSpec.



main() {
  describe('two equal strings', () {
    it('should be equal', () => expect('test').to(equal('test')));
  new Runner([new ConsoleReporter()]).run();  

This will produce the following output

 All tests
  two equal strings
   should be equal

specs: 1, failures: 0, crashes: 0

For futher information take a look at the tests in the tests-directory. They show what is currently possible with dahlia and are continuously expanded as new features are added.


Copyright © 2012 by it-agile GmbH. This software is licensed under the MIT license. See the included LICENSE.txt for further information.