
FuelPHP Queue package based on https://bitbucket.org/codeyellow/queue

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Fuel-Queue is a queue system for FuelPHP's Oil Module. It is inspired by the fuel-queue package from Kavinsky (https://github.com/kavinsky/fuel-queue) and (https://bitbucket.org/codeyellow/queue).


  • Simple usage, easy to integrate in your project.
  • Different queues in parallel that can be switched on and off.
  • Executed any static function, with arguments.
  • Set priorities for the job.
  • Delayed execution.
  • Detailed error messages.
  • Status panel showing all the jobs.


Make a new file in fuel/app/config with the name queue.php with the following config:

return array(
    * Not database related config options
    'base_url' => 'queue',    // The url that the queue page is shown upon

     * If enabled, queues that don't exist will be created if loaded
    'implicit_queue_creation' => true,

     * If enabled, implicitely created queues will start automatically
    'implicit_queue_start_automatically' => true,

     * The command that is needed to start the queue from the database.
    'queue_command' => 'php oil refine queue',

     * Where to log the done jobs. Possible values: 'database', 'file', 'none'
    'log_option' => 'database',

     * If log_option = 'file' set the logfile location
    'log_file' => './queue.log',

     * Set sleep time in seconds (be carefull, the will do a query every 10 seconds on your database)
    'sleep' => 10,

Add this to your always_load section in fuel/app/config.php (just add it, don't remove the whole always_load section). This is needed so that the queue config is always loaded in your application.

'always_load' => array(
    'config' => array(

Make a new file in fuel/app/tasks with the name queue.php on your application with the follow code:

include_once VENDORPATH . 'codeyellow' . DS . 'queue' . DS . 'tasks' . DS . 'queue.php';

Run migrations from the command line:

php oil refine migrate --all

Now try on the command line:

php oil refine queue

Status panel

The Queue package provides a status panel which shows the progress of the different queues. To install this:

  • Create a controller which extends the \Queue\Overview controller. E.g.:
class Controller_Queue extends \CodeYellow\Queue\Overview_Controller { }
  • Create a view in app/views with the same base URL as the controller. In this view paste the following code where you want to display the overview:



There are different queues to be executed. A queue can be created with:

$queue = new \CodeYellow\Queue\Queue;
$queue->create(string $name, $max_item_hour = 0);

// Other Queue functions:
$queue->load(string $name); // Will load a queue from name
$queue->load(int $id);  // Will load a queue from id
$queue->startQueue();   // Will start the queue
$queue->stopQueue();    // Will stop the queue
$queue->deleteQueue();  // Will delete the queue

Or if implicit queue creation is enabled with:

$queue = new \CodeYellow\Queue\Queue(string $name);


A job can be created easily be created from the constructor

Priority options:

  • \CodeYellow\Queue\Job::PRIORITY_VERYLOW
  • \CodeYellow\Queue\Job::PRIORITY_LOW
  • \CodeYellow\Queue\Job::PRIORITY_MEDIUM
  • \CodeYellow\Queue\Job::PRIORITY_HIGH
  • \CodeYellow\Queue\Job::PRIORITY_VERYHIGH
  • \CodeYellow\Queue\Job::PRIORITY_SYSTEM

executeAfter option needs a timestamp.

$executeAfter = strtotime('now +5 minutes');
$job = new \CodeYellow\Queue\Job(string $class, string $method, array $args, int $queueId, $priority, $executeAfter = 0);


When an exception occurs while a job is processed, the error is logged. The error for a job can easily be retrieved:

$error = new \CodeYellow\Queue\Error;
$message = $error->getErrorByJobId(int $jobId);

$message will now consists of the error message of the job, or null no error has occurred for the job.

Running a job

Assuming that a Queue named default is made, the minimal code to run a job is:

$queue = new \CodeYellow\Queue\Queue('default');
$queue->startQueue(); // not needed if you set "implicit_queue_creation" to true and "implicit_queue_start_automatically" is set to true in the config file

$job = new \CodeYellow\Queue\Job(
    strtotime('now + 5 minutes')

Flow Chart

Beneath is the flow chart of the major use cases:

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