
Example of Wallarm FAST integration with the DVWA using selenium tests in a Jenkins environment. This example builds upon the local example (

Read more about Wallarm FAST: For full FAST documentation visit

Jenkins integration example:

Jenkins must have access to sudo and be able to run docker-compose

Use this repository as the git source (

Repeat the steps in local run example, but instead of launching the script, copy this modified version into your build step:

  sudo -E docker-compose build && \
  sudo -E docker-compose up -d dvwa fast selenium && \
  sudo -E docker-compose run test && \
  sudo -E docker-compose run --rm -e CI_MODE=testing -e TEST_RUN_URI=http://dvwa:80 fast && \

  sudo -E docker-compose down --remove-orphans
} || {
  sudo -E docker-compose down --remove-orphans
  exit 1

The changes ensure the build step does cleanup in case of failure. You may set the Wallarm TOKEN in the script or use the Jenkins build params

Jenkins preconfigured local example:

The preconfigured Jenkins example requires Jenkins to have access to sudo and docker-compose, which are lacking in the official Jenkins images. To ease the running of the provided example, you may use a pre-built image with the required components already present. One such image with startup instructions can be found here: (requires installation of github plugin, uses the docker found on the host machine)

To run the jenkins example locally copy the contents of jenkins_home into your own Jenkins folder. Then check the configuration of the pipeline: both git and buildsteps should already be set as described above.

Jenkins public demo:

A pre-configured and running Jenkins example is available to view and run builds with at (user:demo, pass:demo). You may launch builds with your Wallarm TOKEN (and monitor the progress at