##What's Countly? Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics application. It collects data from mobile devices, and visualizes this information to analyze mobile application usage and end-user behavior. There are two parts of Countly: the server that collects and analyzes data, and mobile SDK that sends this data. Both parts are open source with different licensing terms.
This repository includes the Countly Android SDK.
Need help? See Countly SDK for Android documentation at Countly Resources.
###Other Github resources
Check Countly Server source code here:
There are also other Countly SDK repositories below:
- Countly iOS SDK
- Countly Android SDK
- Countly Windows Phone SDK
- Countly Blackberry Webworks SDK
- Countly Blackberry Cascades SDK (Community supported)
- Countly Mac OS X SDK (Community supported)
- Countly Appcelerator Titanium SDK (Community supported)
- Countly Unity3D SDK (Community supported)
##How can I help you with your efforts? Glad you asked. We need ideas, feedbacks and constructive comments. All your suggestions will be taken care with upmost importance.
We are on Twitter and Facebook if you would like to keep up with our fast progress!
For community support page, see http://support.count.ly.