
After the Submission made some changes in after-submission branch:


OOC MLB_07.01_01_Health_Insurance_Management_System

Registration Number Name Email Contribution
IT21156038 Nawanjala N.K.N. it21156038@my.sliit.lk Ticket (Enquiry)
IT21156410 Fonseka M.M.N.H it21156410@my.sliit.lk Login, Register, Profile Manage, Related designs & AdminPanel structure
IT21157264 Rupasiri M.C.I it21157264@my.sliit.lk Feedback
IT21171888 Dasanayaka D.M.U.H it21171888@my.sliit.lk Forum
IT21169908 Prashantha K.G.M it21169908@my.sliit.lk Policy(Admin), Buy Policy, Client Create, Related designs & Header,Footer,Home


HIMS - Health Insurance Management System ❤

Make Environment

  1. Fork, clone or download this repository.
  2. Create a folder in your server directory (use repo. project-name).
  3. Run your servers (apache server & mysql server).
  4. Make a new Database (db-name) in your MySQL-DBMS (phpMyAdmin).
  5. Import database (db-name.sql file) from project/database directory.
> git clone git@example.org/user/repository-name-directory.git
> add project your local server : XAMMP Or WAMMP , etc.
    >> ex: C:\xampp\htdocs
> run your servers (apache server & mysql server).
    >> in xampp: run xampp app > click start - apache & mysql
> make new database by project db-name.
    >> http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
> import database (`db-name.sql files`) to your created database.
    >> http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php?route=/server/import&lang=en 
Run App::
> go on your browser - type localhost/project-name

Not first time:
> sometimes newly fetched changes will not appear then Hard Reload the pages
    >> Ctrl + R | Ctrl + Shift + R
_*Note: _
