SoftServe IT Academy

SoftServe Car

Platform for sharing rides between company employees.

CI Quality Gate Status Coverage Github Issues Pending Pull-Requests License

Table of Contents (Optional)


Required to install

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • Asp.Net 5.0


  • Clone this repo to your local machine using $ git clone

How to run locally

How to run with Docker 🐳

  • First you need to have docker on your system:

  • Second make shure that the DB connection string in appsettings.Development.json file looks like this:
    "ConnectionStrings": { "CarConnection": "Server=db-server,1433;Database=master;User Id=sa;Password=paSSw0rd@;" }

  • Third run:

    • docker-compose run db-server (in Car.Backend folder)
    • dotnet ef database update (in Car.WebApi folder)
    • docker-compose up --build (in Car.Backend folder)
  • That's it now you can open localhost:8000 =]


How to work with swagger UI

How to run tests

How to Checkstyle



You're encouraged to contribute to our project if you've found any issues or missing functionality that you would want to see. Here you can see the list of issues and here you can create a new issue.

Before sending any pull request, please discuss requirements/changes to be implemented using an existing issue or by creating a new one. All pull requests should be done into dev branch.

Though there are two GitHub projects: SoftServeCar-Back-End for back-end part and SoftServeCar-Front-End for front-end part) all of the requirements are listed in the first one - SoftServeCar-Back-End.

Every pull request should be linked to an issue. So if you make changes on front-end part you should create an issue there (subtask) with a link to corresponding requirement (story, task or epic) on back-end.

All Pull Requests should start from prefix #xxx-yyy where xxx - task number and and yyy - short description e.g. #020-CreateAdminPanel Pull request should not contain any files that is not required by task.

Git flow

To get started...

Step 1

  • Option 1

    • 🍴 Fork this repo!
  • Option 2

    • 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine using

Step 2

  • HACK AWAY! 🔨🔨🔨

Step 3

Issue flow


Or Contributors/People

@nrevutska @nrevutska

  • You can just grab their GitHub profile image URL
  • You should probably resize their picture using ?s=200 at the end of the image URL.


  • How do I do specifically so and so?
    • No problem! Just do this.


Reach out to me at one of the following places!

