
[UBS Admin Cabinet ] Packages quantity and order cost

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As an administrator, I want to be able to change the quantity of packages, so that I can see the up to date information about packages quantity and order total.

Assumptions & Constraints

  1. Different Administrator types might have different right sets in future


  1. User is logged in as administrator.
  2. Administrator navigates to the Orders tab.
  3. Administrator has opened an order from current orders table

Business rules

  1. Only administrators with access should be able to view Admin Cabinet

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Section “Деталі замовлення” should contain a table with the following field and their attributes.

  2. The column Actual amount should be displayed only on order stages На маршруті; Привезе сам; Виконано; Скасовано

“Послуга”Service name “Об’єм” Package size “Вартість за одиницю” Price per package “Планована к-сть” Planned amount “Підтверджена к-сть” Confirmed amount “Вивезена к-ть” Actual amount
“Текстильні відходи”. Text. Disabled. “120 л” Text. Disabled. “300.00 грн” Text. Disabled. Planned quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. Received from order form. Disabled Confirmed quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. Received from order form. Enabled on the stages: Сформовано; Узгодження; Підтверджено; Не вивезли Actual quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. “0” on stage “Скасованo”.On other stages - received from the previous related fieldEnabled on the stages: На маршруті;  Привезе сам; Виконано; Скасовано
“Текстильні відходи”. Text. Disabled. “20 л” Text. Disabled. “50.00 грн” Text. Disabled. Planned quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. Received from order form. Disabled Confirmed quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. Received from order form. Enabled on the stages: Сформовано; Узгодження; Підтверджено; Не вивезли Actual quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. “0” on stage “Скасованo”.On other stages - received from the previous related fieldEnabled on the stages: На маршруті;  Привезе сам; Виконано; Скасовано
“Безпечні відходи”. Text. Disabled. “120 л” Text. Disabled. “250.00 грн” Text. Disabled. Planned quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. Received from order form. Disabled Confirmed quantity of packages. Values from 0-999 only. Received from order form. Enabled on the stages: Сформовано; Узгодження; Підтверджено; Не вивезли Actual quantity  of packages. Values from 0-999 only. “0” on stage “Скасованo”.On other stages - received from the previous related fieldEnabled on the stages: На маршруті; Привезе сам; Виконано; Скасовано
“Загальна к-сть пакетів”Text. Disabled.     Values from 0-999 only.Calculated by formula:  Total quantity of packages = planned quantity  of packages “Текстильні відходи” 120L + planned quantity  of packages  “Текстильні відходи” 20L + planned quantity  of packages “Безпечні відходи” 120L.(e.g.: 2+0+1=3)Disabled Values from 0-999 only.Calculated by formula:  Confirmed quantity of packages “Текстильні відходи” 120L + confirmed quantity of packages  “Текстильні відходи” 20L + confirmed quantity of packages “Безпечні відходи” 120L = Total quantity of confirmed packages (e.g.: 2+0+1=3)Disabled Values from 0-999 only.Calculated by formula:  Total quantity of actual packages  = actual quantity of packages “Текстильні відходи” 120L + actual quantity of packages  “Текстильні відходи” 20L + actual quantity of packages “Безпечні відходи” 120L.(e.g.: 2+1+0=3)Disabled
“Сума замовлення”Text. Disabled.     Order sum without discount. Float number with 2 digits. e.g (255.00 грн). Should be greater than 0. No upper limit is set. Received from order form.  Disabled Confirmed order sum without discount. Float number with 2 digits. e.g (255.00 грн). Should be greater than 0. No upper limit is set.Calculated by formula: Confirmed quantity of packages “Текстильні відходи” 120L x price per 1 relative package + confirmed quantity of packages  “Текстильні відходи” 20L x price per 1 relative package + confirmed quantity of packages “Безпечні відходи” 120L x price per 1 relative package = Order sum (e.g.: 2300+050+1*250=850.00 грн) Disabled Actual order sum without discount. Float number with 2 digits. e.g (255.00 грн). May be equal to or greater than 0. No upper limit is set.Calculated by formula: Actual quantity of packages “Текстильні відходи” 120L x  price per 1 relative package + actual quantity of packages  “Текстильні відходи” 20L x price per 1 relative package + actual quantity of packages “Безпечні відходи” 120L x price per 1 relative package = Order sum (e.g.: 2300+150+0*250=650.00 грн) Disabled
“Сертифікат”Text. Disabled.     Float number 0.00-999.00 with 2 digits. Received from order form. Displayed in format “-50.00 грн”Disabled Float number 0.00-999.00 with 2 digits. Received from order form. Displayed in format “-50.00 грн”Disabled Float number 0.00-999.00 with 2 digits. “0.00” on stage “Скасованo”.On other stages - received from order form. Displayed in format “-50.00 грн”Disabled
“Використані бонуси”Text. Disabled.     Float number 0.00-999.00 with 2 digits. Received from order form. Displayed in format “-50.00 грн”Disabled Float number 0.00-999.00 with 2 digits. Received from order form. Displayed in format “-50.00 грн”Disabled Float number 0.00-999.00 with 2 digits.  “0.00” on stage “Скасованo”.On other stages - received from order form. Displayed in format “- 50.00 грн”Disabled
“УБС кур’єр” Text. Disabled         Described in another story #2866 and
“Сума до оплати”Text. Disabled.     Order total. May be equal to or greater than 0. Float number with 2 digits.e.g (150.00 грн) No upper limitReceived from order formDisabled Confirmed order total.  May be equal to or greater than 0. Float number with 2 digits.e.g 150.00 грн) No upper limitCalculated by formula:Confirmed order sum “Сума замовлення” - “Сертифікат” - “Використані бонуси” = Confirmed order total “Сума до оплати”(e.g.: 850-150-0=700.00 грн)Disabled Actual order total.  May be equal to or greater than 0. Float number with 2 digits.e.g (150.00 грн) No upper limitCalculated by formula:Actual order sum “Сума замовлення” - “Сертифікат” - “Використані бонуси”  = Actual order total “Сума до оплати”Disabled
  1. In case of values change, all recalculations should be made dynamically.


Out of scope

  1. Displaying changes of order details made by admin in current orders table and the client current order view.
  2. Order sum validation
  3. Return unused bonuses (in case of order cancellation) to the client’s bonus account

Epic link
E.g.: Epic #2195

Labels to be added
"User story", Correspondind Functionality (e.g. User), Priority ("pri: "), "Corresponding Epic"


    • sample task.