
EPIC: UBS courier

Closed this issue · 0 comments

B - in progress, back
BD - done, back
F - in progress, front
FD - done, front
T - in progress, testing
Done - US is done

RELEVANT user story list:

1. Feature: Home page

User story Link Status MVP
1 Home page view #2924 FD BD +
2 Sorting instructions - view (, #
3 Button "Contact us" (in case of violations) #
4 Footer #
5 Notifications about new messages for client on the home page #4403
6 [Change request to #2924] Change the view of main page, footer and header #5192 FD BD

2. Feature: Order form

User story Link Status MVP
1 Choose services and see total amount #2196 FD BD Done +
2 Use bonuses to pay order #2197 FD BD Done +
3 Payment with certificate #2329 FD BD Done +
4 Fill in personal information #2198 BD FD Done +
5 Fill in address details #2199 BD FD Done +
6 [UBS] Review order summary and submit order #6057
7 [Change request to #2196 #2197] Order form – step 1 #2379 FD BD Done
8 [Change request to #2198] Order form – Fill in personal information #2531 BD FD Done
9 [Change request to #2199] Order form – Fill in address details #2533 FD BD Done
10 [Change request to #2329] Certificate functionality #2481 BD FD Done
11 [Change request to #2196] The smallest package size and its price update #2521 BD FD Done
12 Display map while filling address details #
13 [Change request to #2379] Rename of The Service name #3026 BD FD Done
14 [Change request to #2379, #2481] Сurrency display #3027 FD BD Done +
15 [Change request to #2379] Minimum order requirements (Kyiv, Kyiv region) #3032 FD BD Done +
16 Order form - Step 0.1. (choose location) #3033 FD BD Done +
17 [Change request to Change request to #2198 (fields rename)] #2533 Order form #3592 FD Done +
18 [Change request to user story #3033 (fields rename)] #2533 Order form #3595 FD BD Done +
19 [Change request to to Change request to #2533] Order form #2199 #3596 FD BD Done +
20 [Change request to to Change request to #2379 (extra positions)] Order form #2196 #3598 FD BD Done +
21 [Change request to #2379, #2531, #2533, #2541, #2477, #2478...] Error messages #3625 FD BD Done
22 [Change request to #2481] Certificate functionality #3626 FD BD Done +
23 [Change request to #2379] Improvements for displaying location on Step 1 of the Order form #4922 BD FD
24 [Change request for US #3491] - Rename the button “Оплата” (Pay) in the order form #5673
25 [Change request for US #3491, #3489, #2478, #2477] Change payment method and view of confirmation step in the order form #5674
26 [Change request to #2198, #2531] Order form – Fill in personal information."Personal data" section #5719
27 [Change request to #2379 ] "Екомагазин" section #5981 FD
28 [Change request to #2199 #2533 #3596] Fill in the address data according to the Google Maps API (Order form) #6019
29 [Change request to #2196] Changing cost of service #6038

3. Feature: Payment

User story Link Status MVP
1 Online payment by card via Fondy #2477 FD BD Done +
2 Online payment by card via LiqPay #2478 BD FD +
3 Order confirmation page #2514 BD FD Done +
4 Postponed payment #2757 #
5 Payment with other online systems #

4. Feature: User's personal cabinet

User story Link Status MVP
1 Cabinet view #3805 BD F +
2 Edit profile #3811 BD F +
3 Orders tab view #3477 BD FD Done +
4 Orders tab - order details #3478 FD BD Done +
5 Orders tab - order cancellation #3488 BD FD Done
6 Orders tab - payment. step 1 #3489 BD FD Done
7 Orders tab - payment step 2 #3491 BD FD Done
8 Order tab - message about bonuses return #3633 BD
9 Notifications about status (cabinet, email, telegram?) #2796 B F
10 Add packages to current order #
11 Messenger with admin (example - discuss violations) #
12 Bonuses tab #3670 BD FD Done
13 Change password in users cabinet #4276
14 Change request Rename Рахунок for Бонуси to #3670 #4349 BD FD Done +
15 Change request Rename Дата зарахування for Дата to #3670 #4350 BD FD Done +
16 Sidebar view, user cabinet #4351 FD Done +
17 Change request Infinity scroll in tab Messages User Cabinet to #2796 #4354 +
18 Change request Reasons of Bonuse in tab Bonuses User Cabinet to #3670 #4401 +
19 Change request to US #2796 “Send notifications to users” #4520 +
20 [Change request to #3811] Improvements for block 'Сповіщення у месенджер' in User profile #5423

5. Feature: Orders [Admin cabinet]

User story Link Status MVP
1 Cabinet view #4402 BD FD Done +
2 Current orders view #2536 BD FD Done +
3 Order statuses #2538 BD FD nr #2901
4 Sorting #2537 B F nr #3336 +
5 Filtering #2600 BD FD +
6 Export to excel #2539 B F
7 Order details #2787 BD FD +
8 Packages quantity and order cost #2865 BD FD +
9 Order sum validation #2866 BD FD +
10 Add user rule violations to the current order #2861 BD FD
11 View violation of the current order #2862 BD FD Done
12 Edit violation of the current order #2863 BD FD
13 Delete violation from the current order #2864 BD FD
14 Save/cancel changes in the current order #2795 BD FD +
15 Order total calculation in case of self delivery #3492 BD FD +
16 Order work log (history) #3217 BD FD +
17 Payment Statuses #2897 BD FD +
18 Order payment details [Comment - Requirements where changed] #2898 BD FD +
19 Overpayment and underpayment messages #2899 +
20 Return overpayment as bonuses to the client's bonuses account #2900 +
21 [Change request to #2538] Order statuses #2901 BD FD +
22 Add payment manually #2996 BD FD Done +
23 View payment details #2999 BD FD Done
24 Edit payment details #3001 BD FD +
25 Delete payment #3000 BD FD +
26 Order status "Не вивезено" - add the reason #3189
27 Order status "Не вивезено" - view the reason #3191
28 Order status "Скасовано" - add the reason #3190 BD FD
29 Order status "Скасовано" - view the reason #3192
30 [Change request to #2787 ] - Order details #3453 BD FD
31 Report for logist #3459 +
32 [Change request to #2866] - Order sum validation #3706 BD FD +
33 [Change request to #2536] - Current orders view #3184 FD BD Done +
34 [Change request to #2536] Properties of orders table #3289 FD BD Done +
35 [Change request to #2600] Filtering #3300 BD F
36 [Change request to #2600] Button "Table view" functionality #3334 BD FD
37 [Change request to #2537] Sorting #3336 B F +
38 UBS courier fees in case order status "Не вивезли" #3707 BD FD
39 Pickup details assignment in single order #3810 BD FD
40 Pickup details assignment in a group of orders #3808 BD FD
41 Manage orders for different stations #4641
42 View and manage users' violations #2861 #2862 #2863 #2864
43 Edit address of waste disposal #5101
44 [Change request to #5101] Edit address of waste disposal-Error messages #5199
45 [Change request to #2787] Order details."Waste export address" section #5224
46 [Change request to #2866 ] UBS courier fees in case order status "Cкасувати" #4977
47 [Change request to #3217] Improvements of Order work log (history) for the item "Номер замовлення з магазину" #5111
48 [Change request to #3190] Clarification for field of order cancelation reason "Свій варіант" #4953
49 [Change request to #2787] Clarification for the Section “Деталі вивезення” #5203 BD FD
50 [Change request to #2787] Clarification for field 'Коментар адміністратора' in the case of invalid data inputting #4935 BD FD
51 [Change request to #2787 ] Improvements to the section 'Export details' and 'Responsible persons' of Order details page #5373
52 [Change request to # 3492] Order total calculation in case of self-delivery #5417
53 [Change request to ##3707] UBS courier fees in case order status "Не вивезли" #5420
54 [Change request to #2901] Improvements for order statuses #5519
55 [Change request to #2865,#2866,#3706,#4977,#2898,#2899,#2900, #2901,#3707,#5420,#5417#3492 ] Clarification Order validation and Order details #5520
56 [Change request to #3184, #2536] Improvement of сurrent orders view #5562
57 [Change request for US #4402] - Header for admin cabinet #5675
58 [Change request to #3190] Clarification of order status "Скасовано" - add the reason #5718
59 [Change request to #4402] The sidebar tooltips in the Admin cabinet #5952
60 [Change request to #2861] The 'Додати порушення' button functionality #5678
61 [Change request to #3810 #2787 #2537 #2536] <Change rules for confirm 'Узгодження' status, add new confirm pop-up and rename 'Менеджер обдзвону' > #7118

6. Feature: Page with certificates [Admin cabinet]

User story Link Status MVP
1 Certificates page view #3413 BD FD +
2 Add new Certificate #3415 BD FD +
3 Certificates page: filtering #3416 BD FD
4 Certificates page: sorting #3417 BD FD
5 Certificates page: Export to Excel #3418 BD FD
6 [Change request to ##3415] Mock-up, visualization and error messages for adding a certificate #4884

7. Feature: Courier's cabinet

User story Link Status MVP
1 Courier cabinet view #
2 Edit order status (actions) #
3 View and change itinerary? #
4 Send notifications to user #
5 Upload photo of packages #

8. Feature: Reports

User story Link Status MVP
1 Statistics on Certificates #

9. Feature: Employee [Admin cabinet]

User story Link Status MVP
1 View of employee page (for admin) #2782 BD FD +
2 CRUD employees #2780 BD FD +
3 Edit employee data #4616
4 Edit employee permissions #4617 FD
5 Deactivate employee #4615
6 Employees` page (for admin)
7 [Change request to #4617] Clarification of employee permissions and the ability to edit employee permissions #5538

10. Feature: Logistics cabinet

User story Link Status MVP
1 List of active orders #
2 Grouping by distance #
3 Map with grouped addresses #
4 Integration with ANTS app or build map using google maps #

11. Feature: Delivery options

User story Link Status MVP
1 Fast delivery option via taxi on Home page #
2 Order form for fast delivery #
3 Integration with Uklon taxi API #

12. Feature: Sign in/Sign up

User story Link Status MVP
1 UBS. Register a user account #2929 BD FD Done +
2 UBS. Register with Google account #3029 BD FD Done +
3 UBS. Sign-in to the account #3030 FD BD Done +
4 UBS. Restore password #3031 FD BD Done +
5 Change request Sign-in to the Admin account to #3030 #4390 +
6 #

13. Feature: Clients [Admin cabinet]

User story Link Status MVP
1 [Change request to #3353] Clients page view #3911 FD BD +
2 Clients page: Filtering #3354 BD FD +
3 Clients page: Sorting #3355 BD FD +
4 Client's orders page #3356 BD FD
5 Client’s orders page: sorting #3357 BD FD
6 Client’s violations page #3358 BD FD
7 Client’s violations page: sorting #3359 BD FD

14. Feature: Pricing page [Admin cabinet]

User story Link Status MVP
1 Starting view for the pricing page ("Тарифи") #3835 BD FD
2 Create new cards of the courier for the pricing page #3849 BD FD
3 Create new cards of receiving station for the pricing page #3850 BD FD
4 Create new cards of the location for the pricing page #3859 BD FD
5 Pricing card deactivation #3851 BD FD
6 Edit location name on the pricing page #3902 FD
7 Edit courier name on the pricing page #3860 FD
8 Edit receiving station name on the pricing page #3861 FD
9 Edit pricing page from the main page ("Тарифи") #
10 Create the new pricing card #4202 FD
11 Create the new pricing card from the main page "Тарифи" #4203 FD
12 Change request to US #3849 “Create new cards of courier for the pricing page” #4177 FD
13 Sorting pricing card in the main page "Тарифи" #4256 FD
14 Deactivating specific pricing card after sorting from the main page "Тарифи" #4270 FD
15 Editing specific pricing card after sorting from the main page "Тарифи"
16 Starting view of pricing cards with tarifs #4948
17 Add a service "Сервіс" to the pricing card #4428 BD FD
18 Add a service "Послуга" to the pricing card #4429 BD FD
19 Change request to #4429 "Required fields should be completed" #5523
20 Edit a service "Сервіс" in the pricing card #4427 BD FD
21 Edit a service "Послуга" in the pricing card #4430 BD FD
22 Creating/Duplication tariffs in the new pricing card
23 Delete/Deactivate, Activation rules for pricing card #4425
24 Change request to US #3835 "Active status for the completed pricing card with tariffs"
25 Deactive/delete a service "Сервіс" in the pricing card #4426 BD FD
26 Deactive/delete a service "Послуга" in the pricing card #4431 BD FD
27 Restore a service "Сервіс" in the pricing card #4742
28 Restore a service "Послуга" in the pricing card #4743
29 Change request to #4428, #4427 "Add a service "Сервіс" to the tariffs card", "Edit a service "Сервіс" in the pricing card" #5524
30 Change request to US #4427, #4428 "Add a service "Сервіс" to the pricing card", "Edit a service "Сервіс" in the pricing card" #5533

15. Other

№ | User story | Link

User story Link Status MVP
1 Common fields requirements #4277
2 Error messages for address form #4309

16. Notifications (Admin`s cabinet)

User story Link Status MVP
1 The list of auto notifications in the Administrator cabinet #4510 FD
2 Starting view for sorting the list of notifications in admin cabinet ("Повідомлення") #4635 FD
3 View the details of the notification in the Admin cabinet #4642 FD
4 Editing the notification in the Admin cabinet ("Повідомлення") #4643 FD
5 Delete the notification in the Admin cabinet ("Повідомлення") #4644 FD
6 Creating the new notification in the Admin cabinet ("Повідомлення") #
7 Change request for US #4642 Edit the details of the notification in the Admin cabinet #5644
8 Change request for US #4643 Edit the notification in the Admin cabinet #5645
9 Set/change the time for the notification in the Admin cabinet #5646
10 Editing the notification body for platforms #5647
11 Change request for US #4644 - Save the change of the notification, platforms status #5648
12 Change request to US #4510 “The list of auto notifications in the Administrator cabinet”, to US #2796 “Send notifications to users” #5893

  • NOT RELEVANT user story list:

1. Feature: Administrator's cabinet

User story Link
1 Add new location for a pricing page #3140
2 Fill in the pricing page for a particular location #3143
3 Edit and Delete information in the tables on the pricing page #3144
4 Add services "Додати послугу" on the pricing page #3145
5 View of the pricing page for an admin #3146
6 Add the transportation courier to the list of Courier partners #3157
7 View of the pricing page for a Super Admin #3259
8 Edit the pricing page, tapping "Редагувати сторінку" #3263
9 Delete the courier from the pricing page of a particular location #3264
10 Duplicate the pricing page, creating a new location #3272
11 Disactivate the location from the list of selected cities #3273
2 Add comments (on violations) #
3 Orders history view + filter #

2. Feature: Order form

User story Link
1 [Change request to #2199#2533 ] Order form – Fill in address details #4918
2 [Change request to #2199] Order form - Fill in address details #5200
3 [Change request to #2199] Fill in address details - Error messages #5213
4 Review order summary and submit order #2200
5 [Change request to #2478, #2541, #2200] Deleting the “Оплата” tab from Step 3 of the Order form and possibility to make payment with Liqpay #5530
6 [Change request to #2200] Order form – Order summary #2541

3. Feature: Payment

User story Link
1 Payment status and notifications #
2 [Change request to #2197, #2329] The notification about impossibility of paying for the order #4380

16. Notifications (Admin`s cabinet)

User story Link Status MVP
1 Starting view for the notification page in admin cabinet ("Повідомлення") #4634 FD

Epic list: #909