
Certificates page view

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As an administrator, I want to see the list of certificates with their relative info in the admin cabinet so that I can manage them 


  1. The user is logged in as an administrator

  2. The user navigates to Admin Cabinet

Business rules

  1. Only administrators with access should be able to view Admin Cabinet

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The administrator clicks on the tab “Сертифікати” and a table with certificate data is displayed.

  2. All fields are disabled by default. Some fields, specified below, are enabled by clicking on the edit icon of the related field after it was marked in the checkbox.

Column name Description Requirements
Checkbox   Only Certificates with the status “Новий” have an active checkbox. By selecting a checkbox - a record is highlighted. Several records may be selected to be edited. By clicking on the checkbox in the column legend - all records with active checkboxes are selected\deselected. Inactive checkboxes are grey and couldn't be used.
Номер сертифікату Autofilled after creation. It shall be editable only if it is marked for edit. Only numeric characters and one special character “-” are allowed in format 1234-1234.If the status of the certificate is “Використаний” - Certificate number (1234-1234) becomes the attributes of the link that can be used to go to the order page where this certificate was used.
Дата продажу Filled by creation. It shall be editable only if it is marked for edit. Sale Date. Date, when the customer bought the certificate. DD/MM/YYYY.
Статус Autofilled. Сannot be changed manually! Supported statuses: “Новий”, “Використаний”, “Протермінований”.Аfter creation, the certificate automatically receives the status “Новий”.When it is used in the order, the certificate automatically receives the status “Використаний”.If the certificate has not been used within one year from the date of sale, the certificate receives the status "Протермінований". This status is assigned on expiration date+1 day. (e.g. expiration date is 12/10/2022. On the 13/10/2022 the certificate status should be assigned to Протермінований)
Дата використання Autofilled. Сannot be changed manually! The date when the certificate was used in the order.DD/MM/YYYY.If the certificate was not used, the field is empty.
Номінал Autofilled after creation. It shall be editable only if it is marked for edit. Float number with 2 digits displayed in format XXX.XX грн  (Currently 500.00 грн)
Дійсний до Autofilled. Сannot be changed manually! Expiration date. DD/MM/YYYY. Sale date + 1 year (e.g. sale date is 12/10/2021, the expiration date is 12/10/2022).

  1. The admin may change the order of the column by dragging it.

  2. Infinity scroll to navigate the table up and down should be implemented.

  3. The admin should have the possibility to create a new certificate (described in user story #XXX).

  4. The admin should have a possibility to filter and sort the table (described in user stories #XXX,  #XXX).

  5. The admin should have a possibility to export to Excel the table (described in user story #XXX).


to be added

Out of scope

  1. Creating new certificate

  2. Filtering

  3. Sorting

  4. Export to Excel

Epic #2195