
[Admin Cabinet ] Client’s orders page

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As an administrator, I want to see all orders of each client so that I can easily find needed information

Assumptions & Constraints


  1. Administrator navigates to the Clients tab

Business rules

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When an admin clicks on the number of client’s orders, a page with the list of client’s orders should be opened.

  2. This page contains a table. All fields are disabled. The data is received from related order details form (user story #2787)

Column name Field type Requirements
Дата замовлення Date DD/MM/YYYY. The date when the order was created and status Сформовано was assigned
№ замовлення Number Order ID. 10 digit integers.
Статус замовлення Text The last order status. Supported statuses: Сформовано; Узгодження; Підтверджено; На маршруті; Не вивезли; Виконано; Скасовано; Привезе сам. (described in user story #2901)
Статус оплати Text The last payment status of the order. Supported statuses: Не оплачено; Частково оплачено; Оплачено; Оплату повернуто. (described in user story #2897)
Сума замовлення Currency Float number with 2 digits. e.g 255.00 грн. The last available order sum without discount. Described in user story #2865, row “Сума замовлення”
  1. When the admin clicks on order ID, the page with order details should be opened in new tab (user story #2787).

  2. The clients name and surname should be displayed above the table

  3. When the admin clicks button “Назад”, the system returns the admin to the Client tab with a list of clients

to be added

Out of scope

Epic link
E.g.: Epic #2195

Labels to be added
"User story", Correspondind Functionality (e.g. User), Priority ("pri: "), "Corresponding Epic"


    • sample task.